Javascript and Dynamic Table



I am dynamically adding new rows to a table and on each new row I am
creating an onmouseover and onmouseout event handler to the entire
row. In Mozilla I have no problem with applying these however with IE,
if I add anything but a textnode to the TD element the onmouseover/out
events do not work for the row. How can I get the entire row to be
highlighted onmouseout or onmouseover with the following code:

function addRow(id){
var tbody = document.getElementById
var row = document.createElement("TR");
var td1 = document.createElement("TD")
td1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("column 1"))
//When I add the image, it will no longer highlight the whole row??
var newimg=document.createElement("img")
var td2 = document.createElement("TD")
td2.appendChild (document.createTextNode("column 2"))

<a href="javascript:addRow('TableVal')">Add new row</a>
<table id="TableVal" cellspacing="0" border="1">

Thank you in advance for any information that you can provide.

Richard Cornford

I am dynamically adding new rows to a table and on each
new row I am creating an onmouseover and onmouseout event
handler to the entire row. In Mozilla I have no problem
with applying these

But not with the code you are showing here, as the code here will
error-out on Mozilla browsers.
however with IE, if I add anything but
a textnode to the TD element the onmouseover/out
events do not work for the row. How can I get the
entire row to be highlighted onmouseout or onmouseover
with the following code:

function addRow(id){
var tbody = document.getElementById
var row = document.createElement("TR");
<snip> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Whenever the - srcElement - is an element contained in a TD its -
parentNode - will not be a TR (for the direct children of the TD it
will be the TD). The simplest solution would be to forget about -
attachEvent - and just assign the function to the - onmouseover -
intrinsic event. Then you can use the - this - keyword in that
function to refer to the TR element regardless of how far down the
branches under the TR the element that triggers the event is. I.E.:-

row.onmouseover = function(){'#cdcdcd';

- though there is no need for a new/different function to be used for
each new row.



This did the trick.. Thank you!!

I am dynamically adding new rows to a table and on each
new row I am creating an onmouseover and onmouseout event
handler to the entire row. In Mozilla I have no problem
with applying these

But not with the code you are showing here, as the code here will
error-out on Mozilla browsers.
however with IE, if I add anything but
a textnode to the TD element the onmouseover/out
events do not work for the row. How can I get the
entire row to be highlighted onmouseout or onmouseover
with the following code:
  function addRow(id){
    var tbody = document.getElementById
    var row = document.createElement("TR");

<snip>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Whenever the - srcElement - is an element contained in a TD its -
parentNode - will not be a TR (for the direct children of the TD it
will be the TD). The simplest solution would be to forget about -
attachEvent - and just assign the function to the - onmouseover -
intrinsic event. Then you can use the - this - keyword in that
function to refer to the TR element regardless of how far down the
branches under the TR the element that triggers the event is. I.E.:-

row.onmouseover = function(){'#cdcdcd';


- though there is no need for a new/different function to be used for
each new row.


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