Javascript/HTML problem

  • Thread starter Jonathan (Pickles) Sklan-Willis
  • Start date

Jonathan (Pickles) Sklan-Willis

I need several things in HTML or Javascript. It canNOT be a server side
script, it is for a standalone project in HTML ONLY!

PAGE 1 is a simple blank page where there will be an so that if
the screen is clicked it goes to PAGE 2. There will be a delay of 3
seconds while it says PLEASE WAIT.

PAGE 2 has a one line form (the form has a validation scheme and the OK
button will only be able to be pressed once a certain amount of digits -
11 for a phone number are inserted, only then will it work) with OK
button that goes to the next page. I need capabilities of invisible
(that means that the OK button will be invisible). The password is a
phone number which needs to show up as stars (*). A delay of 3 seconds
will route it to PAGE 3. The data entered in here has to add to any
existing data on a separate line in a plain text file, located in the
same directory.

PAGE 3 is done.

I am willing to do all the work, so need help and scripts to start off
with. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.

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