Javascript link and statusbar


Adam Prenosil

I've got a slight problem with my links. It goes like this: I'm using frames, so for easier navigation, I've got some functions (lik
e "Goto(Page)"). The problem is that when the user moves the mouse over the link, the status bar displays "javascript: blahblahblah"
.. Obviously I'd like to change that but when I set status='something...', it works all the time _except_ when the mouse is over the
link... how do I change this?

Adam Prenosil


Adam said:
I've got a slight problem with my links. It goes like this: I'm using frames, so for easier navigation, I've got some functions (lik
e "Goto(Page)"). The problem is that when the user moves the mouse over the link, the status bar displays "javascript: blahblahblah"
.. Obviously I'd like to change that but when I set status='something...', it works all the time _except_ when the mouse is over the
link... how do I change this?

Adam Prenosil

That's one reason why the href value of a link should always be a real
url and not a javascript call.

"(...) A link should be a simple hypertext reference that replaces the
current page with new content. (...) the link is not a piece of code
that interferes with the browser's standard behavior."

Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002
6. JavaScript in Links

Without being able to examine your page and links, it's kinda difficult
to suggest alternatives or to propose another way to code your links...
An url would have been adequate here.

Btw, if you're speaking Czech, I'm converting a Czech language pack for
NS 7.1 these days.

Javascript and Browser bugs:
- Resources, help and tips for Netscape 7.x users and Composer
- Interactive demos on Popup windows, music (audio/midi) in Netscape 7.x

Adam Prenosil

David Dorward said:
Yes, frames cause a lot of problems. has some suggestions.

No, it's not the frames, as this happens even without them. So the general question is: how do I prevent "javascript:..." from
appearing in the statusbar, when I move the mouse over a link?

Adam Prenosil / Preno

Adam Prenosil

brucie said:
don't. really. they're more problems than they're worth.

No, it's not the frames, as this happens even without them. So the general question is: how do I prevent "javascript:..." from
appearing in the statusbar, when I move the mouse over a link?

Adam Prenosil / Preno

Adam Prenosil

That's one reason why the href value of a link should always be a real
url and not a javascript call.

"(...) A link should be a simple hypertext reference that replaces the
current page with new content. (...) the link is not a piece of code
that interferes with the browser's standard behavior."

Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002
6. JavaScript in Links

Without being able to examine your page and links, it's kinda difficult
to suggest alternatives or to propose another way to code your links...
An url would have been adequate here.

Yeah, I guess so but I can't control the content of the other frames with urls... anyway, you gave me an idea - I'll implement it as
normal text (span) and add onClick, onMouseOver and cursor. It's not a particularly good or clean way to do this but it works - and
I don't expect thousands of hits on my page, so I guess I'll stick to that :).
Btw, if you're speaking Czech, I'm converting a Czech language pack for
NS 7.1 these days.


Sure I do. Jasne ze mluvím cesky... that's good, I was in fact just thinking about trying other browsers than IE because it's buggy,
it doesn't work very well with some of the sites and I've got problems with downloading some pages... a Czech language pack, you
say? I'll see...

Adam Prenosil / Preno

Jacqui or (maybe) Pete

No, it's not the frames, as this happens even without them. So the general
question is: how do I prevent "javascript:..." from
appearing in the statusbar, when I move the mouse over a link?
Don't use javascript for links, of course. If you want some fancy
javascript thing to happen to the unwary then apply the onclick event to
a standard link.

You might then even find google indexing your site. Except that you use
frames, so you're buggered anyway.

David Dorward

Adam said:
No, it's not the frames, as this happens even without them.

If you didn't use the frames, you wouldn't have the functions for easier
navigation, so you wouldn't have the broken links in the absense of JS or
the ugly status messages.


Adam said:
That's one reason why the href value of a link should always be a real
url and not a javascript call.

"(...) A link should be a simple hypertext reference that replaces the
current page with new content. (...) the link is not a piece of code
that interferes with the browser's standard behavior."

Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002
6. JavaScript in Links

Without being able to examine your page and links, it's kinda difficult
to suggest alternatives or to propose another way to code your links...
An url would have been adequate here.

Yeah, I guess so but I can't control the content of the other frames with urls... anyway, you gave me an idea - I'll implement it as
normal text (span) and add onClick, onMouseOver and cursor. It's not a particularly good or clean way to do this but it works - and
I don't expect thousands of hits on my page, so I guess I'll stick to that :).

If the end result is that a new page is loaded after a click, then using
an href is adequate and correct. Otherwise, it's better to code a <span>
or said:
Sure I do. Jasne ze mluvím cesky... that's good, I was in fact just thinking about trying other browsers than IE because it's buggy,
it doesn't work very well with some of the sites and I've got problems with downloading some pages... a Czech language pack, you
say? I'll see...

Adam Prenosil / Preno

Then I recommend downloading Netscape 7.1 Compact.
I hope to be able to complete the Czech language pack this weekend. And
I'll upload it at this page:
The download link for Czech language pack will be in the red bordered

Javascript and Browser bugs:
- Resources, help and tips for Netscape 7.x users and Composer
- Interactive demos on Popup windows, music (audio/midi) in Netscape 7.x

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