[JOB] Softwareentwickler/-in, prometheu s-Bildarchiv, Universitätzu Köln


Jens Wille

Hi folks!

We, the prometheus image archive at the University of Cologne
(Germany), would like you to take note of the following job
announcement for a full-time software developer position in Cologne,
Germany. In addition, we'd like to emphasize that the contract is
limited in time due to formal reasons only. We definitely aim at
extending it.

We look forward to receiving your applications!



An der Universität zu Köln, prometheus - Das verteilte digitale
Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre, Kunsthistorisches Institut,
Philosophische Fakultät ist zum 01.11.2008 zunächst befristet bis
30.04.2009 die Stelle einer/eines


zu besetzen.

Die Tätigkeit umfasst die Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung der
Bildarchivanwendung "pandora".


- Anwendungsprogrammierung auf Basis von Ruby on Rails und MySQL zur
Weiterentwicklung und Pflege der Bildarchivanwendung
- Benutzersupport
- Einbindung von Bilddatenbanken
- vertretungsweise Administration der Projektserver (Linux)


- abgeschlossenes Studium (Uni/FH) der Informatik oder gleichwertige
Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen durch mehrere Jahre Tätigkeit in der
- gute Kenntnisse in Ruby und Rails
- Vertrautheit mit GNU/Linux, XML und MySQL
- erwartet werden sowohl praktische Programmiererfahrungen als auch
theoretische Kenntnisse der Softwareentwicklung
- gute Englischkenntnisse

Wir bieten:

- Eingruppierung in Entgeltgruppe 10 TV-L (bei Vorliegen der
tariflichen Voraussetzungen)
- ein kleines, aufgeschlossenes Team
- die Möglichkeit, Innovationen und eigene Ideen einzubringen


prometheus ist ein verteiltes, digitales Bildarchiv, das
verschiedene, heterogene Bilddatenbanken unter einer gemeinsamen
Oberfläche recherchierbar macht und für die kunst- und
kulturhistorische Forschung und Lehre zur Verfügung stellt.
Anfänglich ein vom BMBF gefördertes Projekt finanziert es sich
inzwischen über ein Lizenzmodell. Der Arbeitsplatz befindet sich in

Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Menschen sind besonders willkommen.
Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt.
Bewerbungen von Frauen werden ausdrücklich erwünscht. Frauen werden
bei gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt
berücksichtigt, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers
liegende Gründe überwiegen.

Bewerbungen einschließlich der üblichen Dokumente (beruflicher
Werdegang, Zeugniskopien) sind bis zum 15.10.2008 per E-Mail oder
auf dem Postwege zu richten an:

prometheus - Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre
Universität zu Köln
z.H. Lisa Dieckmann, M.A.
50923 Köln

E-Mail: (e-mail address removed)
Tel.: 0221 - 470 6668



Jens Wille, Dipl.-Bibl. (FH)
prometheus - Das verteilte digitale Bildarchiv für Forschung & Lehre
Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität zu Köln
Albertus-Magnus-Platz, D-50923 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0)221 470-6668, E-Mail: (e-mail address removed)

Robert Klemme

Am 19. September 2008 22:52 schrieb Jens Wille said:
We, the prometheus image archive at the University of Cologne
(Germany), would like you to take note of the following job
announcement for a full-time software developer position in Cologne,
Germany. In addition, we'd like to emphasize that the contract is
limited in time due to formal reasons only. We definitely aim at
extending it.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

First of all this is an English group so placing a job offer in German
is at least impolite towards the majority of people around here.
Second, since you are looking for a Rails guy a Rails specific forum
would have been a far better place to put this. Please give a little
more thought when posting stuff like this.



Rob Biedenharn

Am 19. September 2008 22:52 schrieb Jens Wille <[email protected]

First of all this is an English group so placing a job offer in German
is at least impolite towards the majority of people around here.
Second, since you are looking for a Rails guy a Rails specific forum
would have been a far better place to put this. Please give a little
more thought when posting stuff like this.



I think this is fine. It had a "[JOB]" tag in the subject, an English
introductory paragraph, and finally a job description. I presume that
to be an acceptable candidate for the job, you need to know German (at
least read it?) and anyone who can't wouldn't be wanted. Since I
might be tempted to read the whole thing if it were in English, I'm
actually saved some time by the German.

While the group tends to prefer English-only discussions, it is
certainly a global group.


Rob Biedenharn http://agileconsultingllc.com
(e-mail address removed)

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

I think this is fine. It had a "[JOB]" tag in the subject, an English
introductory paragraph, and finally a job description. I presume that
to be an acceptable candidate for the job, you need to know German (at
least read it?) and anyone who can't wouldn't be wanted. Since I might
be tempted to read the whole thing if it were in English, I'm actually
saved some time by the German.

Where precisely are German language skills listed as a job requirement? As
the job should at least be open to all EU citizens I do not render it a
self-evident precondition, either.

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

Jens Wille

Hi Robert!

Sorry for replying so late, but I've been on vacation.

Robert Klemme [2008-09-22 13:41]:
First of all this is an English group so placing a job offer in
German is at least impolite towards the majority of people around
Well, I'm sincerely sorry should I have offended or annoyed anyone
by this post. But you can expect me to be fully aware of that fact.
I took the freedom to post this announcement on the main ("global"
as Rob put it) ruby-talk list because the German equivalent seems to
be dead. In addition to that, I'm sure this group has a far wider
German-speaking audience than ruby-de-talk ever had. So I just tried
to reach the biggest potential audience I possibly could. I'm sorry
if that appeared as an impoliteness towards you.

Also, I'm afraid, I would do it again (and welcome others to do it
likewise), provided that there aren't more members of this group
expressing their disapproval. Would you consider it appropriate to
tag such posts with "[ said:
Second, since you are looking for a Rails guy a Rails specific
forum would have been a far better place to put this.
You're right, from the job announcement it appeared to be so. But,
to be honest, I'd rather have someone who's great at Ruby and new to
Rails than someone mediocre at both (any potential applicants
reading this: please, ignore it for the moment - just apply ;-).

Besides, I'm counting on the word-of-mouth to spread this job offer
even further. You might not be interested in this position yourself,
but maybe you know some friend or colleague - who's following
neither ruby-talk nor rubyonrails-talk - who might. As a matter of
fact, I consider this group my "home group". Is that concept
familiar to any of you? I mean, among the few communities I
participate in, this one is first - with the inevitable side-effect
of sometimes feeling the desire - and the right - to stretch its
scope a bit (and I'm definitely not the only one to behave like that).

So, what's the bottom line? Yes, my post didn't fully match this
group's profile, but the overlap seems to be large enough that I
considered it worthy to give it a try. If such contributions are to
be disregarded, well, then be it. I myself would consider that a
deficiency, though.
Please give a little more thought when posting stuff like this.
Don't worry, I did, like I always do. I just wonder, do you consider
it polite becoming so personal on a group like this? I could as well
have taken that as an insult.



Jens Wille

Hi Josef, and Rob!

First, thanks, Rob, for supporting posts like mine and for pointing
out that ruby-talk has - and should serve - a global audience. Even
if that at times means to exclude some (even the majority) of them
when addressing a certain sub-group of the community.

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt [2008-09-22 17:43]:
I think this is fine. It had a "[JOB]" tag in the subject, an
English introductory paragraph, and finally a job description.
I presume that to be an acceptable candidate for the job, you
need to know German (at least read it?) and anyone who can't
wouldn't be wanted. Since I might be tempted to read the whole
thing if it were in English, I'm actually saved some time by
the German.
Where precisely are German language skills listed as a job
requirement? As the job should at least be open to all EU
citizens I do not render it a self-evident precondition, either.
Well, you're both right in a way. On the one hand, it is required
that a successful applicant is fluent in German (in fact, I
originally had it in the list of formal requirements, but the person
in charge at our university's administration removed it without
further explanation). After all, they'd have to live and work in
Germany (which is expressed in the job announcement) and I guess
that'd be pretty hard without knowing the language.

On the other hand, though, we're desperately seeking someone to join
our tiny development team to enable us to realize all the ideas we
have software-wise. Thus we're tending to be less fixed on formal
requirements, language skills included. (Some of you might even
notice that this job announcement is a near-duplicate of the one I
posted a few weeks ago, only with reduced requirements.)

And for more context please see my reply to Robert's post.


Erik Hollensbe

Jens said:
On the other hand, though, we're desperately seeking someone to join
our tiny development team to enable us to realize all the ideas we
have software-wise. Thus we're tending to be less fixed on formal
requirements, language skills included. (Some of you might even
notice that this job announcement is a near-duplicate of the one I
posted a few weeks ago, only with reduced requirements.)

Hi Jens,

I'm not going to argue whether or not this is an appropriate forum for
this, but there definitely are better ones... http://jobs.rubynow.com is
the first one that comes to mind.


Jens Wille

Hi Erik!

Erik Hollensbe [2008-09-29 16:10]:
I'm not going to argue whether or not this is an appropriate
forum for this, but there definitely are better ones...
http://jobs.rubynow.com is the first one that comes to mind.
Is it really? I'm honestly unsure about that. It's definitely more
to the point - nobody wanting to discuss Ruby issues will be annoyed
by just another job posting. But does it really reach a comparably
promising audience? In particular in my case: Are there any such
platforms where I can reach as many (German/German-speaking)
potential candidates as on this list, including its surrounding
sphere of personal contacts? I can hardly imagine that, but I might
be plain wrong, of course.

How do others get to fill in their non-English-speaking positions in
this area (i.e., Software development/Ruby/Rails)?

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