• Thread starter timothy ma and constance lee
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timothy ma and constance lee

Anyone is familar JSF? Is it possible to create a tag similar to Label but i
may put a class inside so as to display any style as i like?


Roedy Green

Anyone is familar JSF? Is it possible to create a tag similar to Label but i
may put a class inside so as to display any style as i like?

JSF did not seem to catch on. I rarely see any mention of it. It has
quite a bit more overhead that other approaches.


Roedy said:
JSF did not seem to catch on. I rarely see any mention of it. It has
quite a bit more overhead that other approaches.

It's getting a little traction.

The overhead is not so large after the learning curve, either. Yes, the
learning curve is a bit much, but the overhead is no worse than other
frameworks (e.g., Struts).

OTOH, simple uses of JSF (no more complicated than most Struts apps) are
relatively easy to learn to do and to implement.

The OP need not create a tag, as h:eek:utputLabel is already in JSF. I suggest
reading the JEE tutorial from java.sun.com which has several chapters on JSF.
This tag is one of the first mentioned.



Roedy said:
JSF did not seem to catch on. I rarely see any mention of it. It has
quite a bit more overhead that other approaches.

JSF *is* catching on.

I would consider it the first choice for new Java web apps today.

And I do not know what overhead you are talking about.


David Segall

Roedy Green said:
JSF did not seem to catch on.
Maybe not but it seems to be the only similar framework backed by Sun
and supported by their RAD tools. See
I rarely see any mention of it. It has
quite a bit more overhead that other approaches.
Which "other approaches" offer a web-based equivalent of Swing that is
more popular or has less overhead than JSF?


David said:
Maybe not but it seems to be the only similar framework backed by Sun
and supported by their RAD tools. See

Which "other approaches" offer a web-based equivalent of Swing that is
more popular or has less overhead than JSF?

I like JSF. I've just been learning it a few months now, and it's very nifty.

It's perhaps a little too powerful. I find it a bit overwhelming at first,
being more accustomed to rolling my own MVC for web apps, or using Struts.

Once I caught on to using faces-config.xml to configure my managed beans,
though, it really took off. I haven't even gotten fancy with lifecycle
management, as might be needed if forwarding to non-JSF pages.

Another nice thing about JSF is that it plays well with both CSS and
Javascript. The former is especially important, IMO. Just about every JSF
tag has attributes for style and client-side event hooks.

This integration has started to open my mind up to a new paradigm for web and
similar apps, neither server-side nor client-side but a synthesis where client
and server coordinate their logic for a fabulous user experience.

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