JSLint Konfabulator widget

  • Thread starter Douglas Crockford
  • Start date

Douglas Crockford

JSLint is now available as a Konfabulator widget. Drop a .js file on
it, and it will tell you about its coding weaknesses. JSLint is an
essential tool for quality programming in JavaScript.

You can get it here: http://www.widgetgallery.com/view.php?widget=37484

But first install Konfabulator, which you can get here:

You can read more about JSLint at:
http://www.crockford.com/javascript/lint.html You can use it most
effectively if you understand its design expectations. If you don't
understand what it is trying to do, it can hurt your feelings.

And the copy/paste version is still available at: http://www.JSLint.com

It is all free.

Remember: If you aren't using JSLint, there is something seriously
wrong with you...and your code.

Michael Winter

On 09/10/2005 02:20, Douglas Crockford wrote:

If you don't understand what [JSLint] is trying to do, it can hurt
your feelings.

It can also irritate. One can understand why the comma operator is
usually frowned upon. An ExpressionStatement like

x = (y = a), b;

is rarely ever useful and an author should seriously consider whether
something so obtuse is appropriate. However,

for(i = 0, j = x, n = A.length; i < n; ++i, ++j) {
/* ... */

is, in my opinion, a specific and judicious use of the operator. Yes,
one could use a while statement, performing initialisation before, and
incrementation inside at the end, but a for statement is more natural.

Remember: If you aren't using JSLint, there is something seriously
wrong with you...and your code.

I didn't use JSLint because it disliked how I formatted my code
(literals, mainly) despite being perfectly legal and sensible. Baulking
at bizarre line-ending warnings was very frustrating, but they don't
seem to appear now (thankfully).


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