K&R2, section1.6, exercise 1-14



i was not even able to understand how should i proceed tow rite
solution for this exercise:

"Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different
characters in its input."

then i tried this: http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/K&R2_solutions:Chapter_1:Exercise_14

i did not understand the following in Histogram solution:

1.) on X-axis, all i see are "0000001111112222333" what do they
represent ?
2.) Y-axis, starts from 0 and goes to 476, whereas there are only 256
characters in ASCII.

i guess, Y-axis represents how many times a character occurs but how
do i know how many times 'a' occured and how many times "?" occured or
how many times a particular "character" occured ?


i was not even able to understand how should i proceed tow rite
solution for this exercise:

"Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different
characters in its input."

As ever, it's helpful to break a task into sub-tasks.

Start off by considering how you would write a program which simply
counted the frequencies of different characters and did a simple
report like :-

character 0 occurred 0 times
character 1 occurred 3 times
character 255 occurred 0 times

Then consider how to do the histogram.
then i tried this:http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/K&R2_solutions:Chapter_1:Exercise_14

i did not understand the following in Histogram solution:

1.) on X-axis, all i see are "0000001111112222333" what do they
represent ?

Character in decimal numeric form printed vertically...

Non-occurring characters are not plotted

2.) Y-axis, starts from 0 and goes to 476, whereas there are only 256
characters in ASCII.

i guess, Y-axis represents how many times a character occurs but how
do i know how many times 'a' occured and how many times "?" occured or
how many times a particular "character" occured ?

That's what we are maintaining in the freqarr array, using the same
sort of approach which was used in the word length exercise.

Peter Shaggy Haywood

Groovy hepcat arnuld was jivin' on 23 Mar 2007 00:32:47 -0700 in
K&R2, section1.6, exercise 1-14's a cool scene! Dig it!
i was not even able to understand how should i proceed tow rite
solution for this exercise:

"Write a program to print a histogram of the frequencies of different
characters in its input."

Use an array of int, each element representing a character.
Initialise all elements to 0. When you read a character, increment the
coresponding element of the array.
then i tried this: http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/K&R2_solutions:Chapter_1:Exercise_14

i did not understand the following in Histogram solution:

1.) on X-axis, all i see are "0000001111112222333" what do they
represent ?

I don't know. At a guess, possibly the different digits represent
tens. Thus 000000111111222222333 might represent 35, but only an
2.) Y-axis, starts from 0 and goes to 476, whereas there are only 256
characters in ASCII.

No, ASCII is a 7 bit characer set. There are 128 values in it, the
first 32 of which are control characters (including NUL, the null
i guess, Y-axis represents how many times a character occurs but how
do i know how many times 'a' occured and how many times "?" occured or
how many times a particular "character" occured ?

I don't know.


Dig the even newer still, yet more improved, sig!

"Ain't I'm a dog?" - Ronny Self, Ain't I'm a Dog, written by G. Sherry & W. Walker.
I know it's not "technically correct" English; but since when was rock & roll "technically correct"?

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