Key in Dictionary


Ross Culver

This error message "Item has already been added. Key in dictionary . . . "
has become a major problem for me.

I have a website whose main attractions (the money maker) are the two
datagridviews used to return user requested information. The site is still
in debug mode as we're in the final testing phase, so we're pounding the
query and the grid to test it thoroughly.

This site was built with VS 2K5, DotNet 2.0 on a Windows 2003 server and is
AJAX enabled.

This error is now popping up frequently and can only be corrected by
removing the datakeyNames from the settings, saving and then re-inputting
the keys. The Datamember is set to 'DefaultView'. I have no custom
dictionaries and no code to manage these keys (neither to add nor to remove
keys). Googling the error I found many folks suffering from the problem,
but no one had even mentioned simply removing the keys.

My site is 'DOWN' if I cannot get this problem resolved.

What can I do to stop getting this error? Do I have to manage the keys?

Thanks tremendously in advance.


Ross Culver

Could this possibly be a session issue? Are the key values dropped at the
end of each session?


Alvin Bruney [MVP]

I'm not sure i understand your issue. Keys must be unique, the constraints
are enforced. It seems obvious to me that you have a dupe in the process
either with the submit or elsewhere. Are you saying that the data structure
itself is corrupted?

Alvin Bruney
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