loading a CBitmap from a URL



Hey, I'm working on an IE toolbar and I need to load a CBitmap from a
bitmap file's internet address. I get the URL of the image from a
mySQL lookup, but is there a way I can load the CBitmap with the image
at this URL afterwards? I'm having trouble doing anything other than
loading local images. Thanks for any help you can give me!

Christopher Benson-Manica

Amir said:
Hey, I'm working on an IE toolbar and I need to load a CBitmap from a
bitmap file's internet address. I get the URL of the image from a
mySQL lookup, but is there a way I can load the CBitmap with the image
at this URL afterwards? I'm having trouble doing anything other than
loading local images. Thanks for any help you can give me!

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Amir said:
Hey, I'm working on an IE toolbar and I need to load a CBitmap from a
bitmap file's internet address. I get the URL of the image from a
mySQL lookup, but is there a way I can load the CBitmap with the image
at this URL afterwards? I'm having trouble doing anything other than
loading local images. Thanks for any help you can give me!

This is off-topic for this newsgroup, but why not just download the image to
a local directory and display it from there? That's what most software does
(including IE, if I'm not mistaken).


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