logging module: problem with custom handlers


Andreas Jung

I am trying to write a custom logger with a custom handler:

class MyHandler(StreamHandler):

class Logger:

def __init__(self):
self._l = logging.getLogger('someident')

Now I want to configure this logger through a configuration
file. How can I refer to the new handler in the configuration file?
Something like "class=MyHandler" did not work.

Any ideas?



Andreas Jung said:
I am trying to write a custom logger with a custom handler:

you will have to be a tad more specific, i´m afraid. what does your
file layout look like? assuming that you have ::

class X:

class Y:
y = Y()

then, in order to refer to X, Y, or y from a third file, you can do
something like ::

from fx import X
from fy import Y
from fy import y

or ::

import fx.X

or ::

import fx.X as foo

there. does that help?


Peter Otten

Andreas said:
I am trying to write a custom logger with a custom handler:
Now I want to configure this logger through a configuration
file. How can I refer to the new handler in the configuration file?
Something like "class=MyHandler" did not work.

Any ideas?

The handler's class is evaluatated like so in module logging.config:

klass = eval(klass, vars(logging))

For this to succeed you could do something like:

import logging
import logging.config

class MyHandler(logging.StreamHandler):

logging.MyHandler = MyHandler

lgr = logging.getLogger("test")

lgr.info("Hello world")

where the relevant handler section has the line


I do not know if there is an "official" way to achieve the same, but then,
why would you build your own Handler in the first place?


Neil Padgen

Peter> I do not know if there is an "official" way to achieve the
Peter> same, but then, why would you build your own Handler in the
Peter> first place?

I've just done exactly the same approach (independently), because of a
need to build two Handlers of my own. One is to avoid tracebacks
being logged with a SysLogHandler (it makes the syslog messages too
long, so nothing is logged), and the other is a subclass of
SMTPHandler which changes the subject of the mail if an exception of a
certain type is raised. [1]

I can think of plenty of other instances where building a custom
Handler is needed; for example, an SQLHandler which might log messages
to a database.

[1] This might be better done with a different Formatter, but getting
a custom Formatter to be used by logging.config is much harder than a
custom Handler, due to logging.Formatter() being called from within

Personally I think logging.config.fileConfig() is in need of some
serious refactoring... if only I had time to look into it!

-- Neil

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