membership database

  • Thread starter Ricardo Furtado
  • Start date

Ricardo Furtado

Does anyone knows how can i change the dafult membership database to another
database, in MS Access?
I've been googling but the examples don't seem to work. Anyone has a valid
example? Please,... i'm desperate

My thanks in advanced


=?Utf-8?B?UmljYXJkbyBGdXJ0YWRv?= wrote on 09 sep 2010 in
Does anyone knows how can i change the dafult membership database to
another database, in MS Access?
I've been googling but the examples don't seem to work. Anyone has a
valid example?

In MS-Access?

Wrong NG.


Or in ASP?

You can build any database and any function,
but there is no default membership database in ASP.
Please,... i'm desperate

Not a good way to learn programming.

If you want to have it made for you, hire a professional.

Adrienne Boswell

Gazing into my crystal ball I observed =?Utf-8?B?UmljYXJkbyBGdXJ0YWRv?=
Does anyone knows how can i change the dafult membership database to
another database, in MS Access?
I've been googling but the examples don't seem to work. Anyone has a
valid example? Please,... i'm desperate

My thanks in advanced

I don't know exactly what you are trying to do. Do you want to use another
mdb file? What does your connection string look like (do not post
usernames and/or passwords)?

Ricardo Furtado

well, i'm trying to use the visual studio 2010 default login controls. VS2010
connects to a MS SQL Server database, by default. My problem is that my
database is in MS Access. I need to change the connection by default. Don't
know how. There are some examples on google in order to change to MS Access
and to MySQL but i wasn't able to make them work


Ricardo Furtado wrote on 10 sep 2010 in

[please do not top post on usenet]
[please do not quote signatures on usenet]
well, i'm trying to use the visual studio 2010 default login controls.
VS2010 connects to a MS SQL Server database, by default. My problem is
that my database is in MS Access. I need to change the connection by
default. Don't know how. There are some examples on google in order to
change to MS Access and to MySQL but i wasn't able to make them work

If you change it, than it is not "default",
as "default" is what you get without changing it.

"default login controls" is that something in ASP?
If so, why not look at the ASP [VBscript or Jscript] source
and change that source?

Why would you want these "default login controls",
why not write your own HTML?

Perhaps show us some of the offending code?

Bob Barrows

You'll probably get more relevant responses in a vsnet or aspnet group.
This group is for classic (COM-based) asp questions.

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