named pipes


Andrey Romanenko

Hello to all,

I want to implement an exe module under w2k/win32 the purpose of module
to run jvm with java application as separate process and have provide
LOG capability to java program. This would allow write LOG by separate
process (more safe and secure) and run java application with different
user credentials than executed exe module. The question is: which
process communication mechanism should I use to gain maximum
performance? Is there way to use named pipes with java?

any comments appreciated,

Gordon Beaton

The question is: which process communication mechanism should I use
to gain maximum performance?

I think you'll find that a socket provides sufficient performance for
virtually any logging requirements, especially when server and clients
run on the same host. A socket has the added advantage over named
pipes that you can run the log server on a separate host from the
clients that will use it, and you can easily support multiple clients
Is there way to use named pipes with java?

Named pipes appear as files in the filesystem, and can be opened and
read or written using the same mechanisms as ordinary files (e.g.
FileInputStream, etc). It's true on Unix, and I have heard anecdotal
evidence of the same on windows.

There are existing logging libraries for Java that already do what you
are planning to implement.


Andrey Romanenko

thanks for answer,

Gordon said:
There are existing logging libraries for Java that already do what you
are planning to implement.

what exactly do you mean?



Gordon Beaton

thanks for answer,

what exactly do you mean?

For example, log4j lets you specify any of a number of different log
targets including "console, files, remote socket servers, JMS, NT
Event Loggers and remote Unix Syslog Daemons". I believe that the
stuff in java.util.logging also lets you specify a log target in a
similar manner.


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