neat web template check it out



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color="white"><strong>News</strong><hr /> text text text text text
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Thank you for visiting.


your homework sucks.
next lesson is to learn how to use CSS properly.
check out some real templates.


<div align="center">Title</div>
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<tr><td width="40%" valign="top" bgcolor="darkgreen"><font
color="white"><strong>News</strong><hr /> text text text text text
text text text text text text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text text</font></td>
<td width="60%" valign="top">text text text</td>
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Thank you for visiting.


There's a nice template up here for you Robin.
Check the source.


Robin said:
<div align="center">Title</div>
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<tr><td width="40%" valign="top" bgcolor="darkgreen"><font
color="white"><strong>News</strong><hr /> text text text text text
text text text text text text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext text texttext
text text</font></td>
<td width="60%" valign="top">text text text</td>
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Thank you for visiting.


And this is what you attempt to show as an example of your expertise for
your later post trying to spam your pretense to provide html help while
trying to cull e-mail address. Uh huh.

Denis McMahon

[crap html]

From the unicorn:

line / character / tag / error message

1 / 1 / <html> / no document type declaration; implying "<!DOCTYPE HTML

2 / 6 / <body> / document type does not allow element "BODY" here

4 / 20 / <div align="center">Title</div> / document type does not allow
element "DIV" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME",
"BUTTON" start-tag

14 / 40 / color="white"><strong>News</strong><hr /> / text text text text
text text document type does not allow element "HR" here; missing
one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag

29 / 7 / </html> / end tag for "HTML" which is not finished


Denis McMahon


And this is what you attempt to show as an example of your expertise for
your later post trying to spam your pretense to provide html help while
trying to cull e-mail address. Uh huh.

Usenet is near dead. What I despair of is that Robin is no less helpful
or useful than anyone else here.

I've been culling out the groups I subscribe to for some time. When a
post by an idiot draws more attention than anything else here, I think
it is time to kill the usenet feed and move on.

So long chumps.


jeff said:
So long chumps.

Let's see if this subscriber sticks to this. My bet is that he
won't be able to resist coming back to chat with all of wonderful
folks here. <g>


Let's see if this subscriber sticks to this. My bet is that he
won't be able to resist coming back to chat with all of wonderful
folks here.<g>
You are the only one I'll miss...



Let's see if this subscriber sticks to this. My bet is that he
won't be able to resist coming back to chat with all of wonderful
folks here. <g>

I tend to believe it's some college kid doing his homework.
Or showing off to his friends that he knows how to do it.
Kind of like that one commercial where they show a couple going through
several books learning html and advertising they are experts.

Didn't I do that a few years ago?


jeff said:
You are the only one I'll miss...

Jeff! Damn! I should have taken bets secretly and quickly and
made a quid. But nice of you to say so anyway ... <g>


I tend to believe it's some college kid doing his homework.

You may be right. I'd take it back closer to elementary if it wasn't
that the html was reminiscent of 10 years ago.


Jeff! Damn! I should have taken bets secretly and quickly and
made a quid. But nice of you to say so anyway ...<g>
Damn. I'd love for you to have made a quid!

I'm about worn out. I feel like what they say about wrestling pigs. The
only result is you get is being muddy and covered in filth, and after a
while you come to realize the pig is enjoying this.

I've been getting a lot more problems with usenet than actual help. I
don't see this changing, it's just taken me a while to realize this.



I've been getting a lot more problems with usenet than actual help. I
don't see this changing, it's just taken me a while to realize this.

Els, a wonderful past subscriber to this usenet, once wisely said
that answering questions helped her hone up her own skills and
knowledge. The fact is that even when someone knows more in
general than the questioner, it often turns out that he or she
does not quite know as much as he or she thought! The effort to
try to say clear and intelligent things in reply is often very
useful to the respondent.

So, usenet, perhaps paradoxically to some, is particularly useful
for the people who do most of the answering, those who have a bit
more experience, they learn off each other and learn from trying
to answer things.

Truth is that it is impossible to say how much help people who
ask questions get from usenet. There would be some that find it
useful in various ways. More eyes to spot mistakes and
inelegancies. Now and then friendlier and better tailored answers
to specific questions than is likely to be understood by OPs from
looking at W3c specs. It all depends on who is around and what is
asked and how much the respondents feel the questioner will
really benefit.

Unfortunately, especially where there are impossible questions
asked - there are so many of these that they almost defy
characterisation - various people will jump in because it
presents an opportunity for fun or bestiality. Some are ingrained
unserious people or otherwise sad characters, others just find it
understandably too tempting an opportunity to have some fun. But
usenet with proper readers that allows filtering of various sorts
can greatly reduce the pain of this.

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