Newbie question about menu bar

  • Thread starter Martien van Wanrooij
  • Start date

Martien van Wanrooij

I am rather new to asp and tried the following script in order to create a
list of menu items where the item referring to the current page should not
be act like a link.

sub maakSubLinkWaarNodig (strUrl, strOmschrijving)
strDezePagina = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
if instr(strDezePagina, strUrl) > 1 then
response.write "<span class = currentPage>"& strOmschrijving &
response.write "<a href =" & strUrl & ">" & strOmschrijving &
end if
end sub

Its behaviour is a little bit unpredictable. I am trying in at but it seems to work only on the pages related con
"Roses" .
I also tried the instr function with larger then zero, same result. When I
add for testing purposes response.write strDezePagina, the correct page
including a part of the path is represented.
A second question: is it possible to retrieve only the name of the document
itself _without_ the path, it can be done in php but I couldn't find a
similar ASP function.
Thanks for any comment.

Martien van Wanrooij

Vilmar Brazão de Oliveira

hi, i don't know if this can help you, but try make a download of aascripter
in because you can construct a lot of menus with

Vlmar Brazão de Oliveira
Desenvolvimento Web

Martien van Wanrooij

Vilmar and Peter, thank you both for your help, but I found the reason for
the error and I must have been sleeping the other day :)
Well, I noticed that for the required document name parameter in some cases
by mistake I started with a space after the first. quotation mark so instead
of maakSublinkWaarNodig "mypage.html","go to my page"
I wrote " mypage.html" , "go to my page".
Obviously a statement like <a href = " mypage.html"> works in spite of the
initial space and of course the string searching fails...
Sorry for the incovenience, I thought it was fair to tell you the result...


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