newbie: specifying default text for STDIN keyboard input?


Mad Scientist Jr

I want to prompt a user to type some input, and have the prompt display
a default value. Is this possible and if so how? Thanks...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
use strict;
use warnings;
my $color = '';
print "What color do you prefer? ";
#Q: how do you specify a default value to be inserted at the prompt, eg
print "You chose ".$color;

Mad Scientist Jr

I found a couple functions on the web that sort of do this (though they
don't insert the text at the prompt line):

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::Wrap;

my $color = '';

print "What color do you prefer? ";
print "you chose ".$color."\n";

$color = &promptUser("What color do you prefer? ", "green");
print "you chose ".$color."\n";

$color = &AskUser("What color do you prefer? ", "blue");
print "you chose ".$color."\n";

sub AskUser
my ($question, $default) = @_;

my $answer;
if (InInteractiveMode())
$question .= " [$default]" if (defined $default);
chomp($answer = <STDIN>);

$answer = $default unless (defined $answer and length $answer);

return $answer;

sub PromptUser2
print(wrap('', '', shift), "\n") if InInteractiveMode();

sub InInteractiveMode { return 1 if (-t STDIN and -t STDOUT) }


#----------------------------( promptUser
# FUNCTION: promptUser
# PURPOSE: Prompt the user for some type of input, and return the #
# input back to the calling program. #
# ARGS: $promptString - what you want to prompt the user with #
# $defaultValue - (optional) a default value for the prompt #

sub promptUser {

# two possible input arguments - $promptString, and $defaultValue
# make the input arguments local variables.


my ($promptString,$defaultValue) = @_;

# if there is a default value, use the first print statement; if
# no default is provided, print the second string.


if ($defaultValue) {
print $promptString, "[", $defaultValue, "]: ";
} else {
print $promptString, ": ";

$| = 1; # force a flush after our print
$_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the

# remove the newline character from the end of the input the user #
# gave us. #


# if we had a $default value, and the user gave us input, then #
# return the input; if we had a default, and they gave us no #
# no input, return the $defaultValue. #
# #
# if we did not have a default value, then just return whatever #
# the user gave us. if they just hit the <enter> key, #
# the calling routine will have to deal with that. #

if ("$defaultValue") {
return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value
} else {
return $_;


Matt Garrish

Mad Scientist Jr said:
I want to prompt a user to type some input, and have the prompt display
a default value. Is this possible and if so how? Thanks...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
use strict;
use warnings;
my $color = '';
print "What color do you prefer? ";
#Q: how do you specify a default value to be inserted at the prompt, eg
print "You chose ".$color;

Just assign a value if none is entered, or is there something I'm missing

use strict;
use warnings;

print "What color do you prefer? [green] ";

my $color=<STDIN>;

chomp $color;

$color ||= 'green';

print "You chose ".$color;


Mad Scientist Jr

Just assign a value if none is entered, or is there something I'm missing here?

Rather than simply print a prompt with the default in brackets like:

Type a color [green]? _
cursor is after prompt

I would like the cursor to be IN FRONT of the default value (like it
would in a GUI):

Type a color? green
cursor is here, BEFORE default value

Matt said:
Mad Scientist Jr said:
I want to prompt a user to type some input, and have the prompt display
a default value. Is this possible and if so how? Thanks...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -- -*-perl-*-
use strict;
use warnings;
my $color = '';
print "What color do you prefer? ";
#Q: how do you specify a default value to be inserted at the prompt, eg
print "You chose ".$color;

Just assign a value if none is entered, or is there something I'm missing

use strict;
use warnings;

print "What color do you prefer? [green] ";

my $color=<STDIN>;

chomp $color;

$color ||= 'green';

print "You chose ".$color;


Mad Scientist Jr

thanks... I'll give it a try

ps understood about PERL not being a GUI. I'm suprised is even

Marc said:
Mad Scientist Jr said:
Just assign a value if none is entered, or is there something I'm missing here?

Rather than simply print a prompt with the default in brackets like:

Type a color [green]? _
cursor is after prompt

I would like the cursor to be IN FRONT of the default value (like it
would in a GUI):

The following does what you want, but it does not erase the default
value from the screen as soon as you type the first keystroke.
After all it's not a GUI.

use strict;
use warnings;

print GetInput('Enter your response', 'This is the default');

sub GetInput {
my($prompt, $default) = @_;
print "$prompt: $default";
print "\010" x length($default);
my $response = <STDIN>;
return($response || $default);

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