Non-blocking connect BLOCKS



Hi all,

I'm using asyncore to download a large list of web pages, and I've
noticed dispatcher.connect blocks for some hosts. I was under the
impression that non-blocking sockets do not block on connects, in
addition to reads and writes. My connect code is essentially the same
as the asyncore example:

It seems unlikely that I am the first to encounter this problem, can
someone explain what's wrong and suggest a remedy?


Dave Brueck

I'm using asyncore to download a large list of web pages, and I've
noticed dispatcher.connect blocks for some hosts. I was under the
impression that non-blocking sockets do not block on connects, in
addition to reads and writes. My connect code is essentially the same
as the asyncore example:

It seems unlikely that I am the first to encounter this problem, can
someone explain what's wrong and suggest a remedy?

Most likely the connect call is doing a DNS lookup, which means your execution
pauses while some other (non-Python) code goes and talks to the DNS server. For
many hosts the lookup will be fast (or even already cached locally, depending
on how your OS is configured), but for others the lookup may require checking
with an upstream DNS server (and in the worst case it'll involve several
upstream queries for a lookup that ultimately fails).

You can eliminate the delay by only passing in IP addresses to connect (it'll
notice that they are IP addresses rather than hostnames, and skip the DNS
lookup). The problem of course is that you need to then somehow get the DNS
addresses yourself. Maintaining a cache of resolved hostnames is a quick hack
to reduce the number of lookups, but it doesn't eliminate them. The only
alternative is to talk to the DNS server yourself - using asyncore of course so
that other connections don't block. IIRC there is some Python code for
creating/unpacking DNS packets and at one time it was even included in the
Python install (like in the Demo folder or something).

If you can find a third-party asynchronous DNS lookup library then that might
be the way to go - the above approach can get really messy (lots of details to
manage), but it also works and completely solves the problem, so basically you
have to decide how badly this problem hurts you. If you do go this route,
here's a few hints:

- on Windows you can semi-reliably detect the DNS servers by parsing the output
of 'ipconfig /all' and on Linux you can usually parse /etc/resolve.conf.

- you might also want to parse and honor the values in the /etc/hosts file
(LMHOSTS on Windows)

- you can of course skip the lookup of the hostname 'localhost'

- it might be helpful to cache both the queries that succeed and the ones that
fail, depending on your application, as failed lookups can be really slow.

- I use a simple class to track cached entries:

class AgingMap:
def __init__(self):
self.dict = {}

def Get(self, key):
expTime, val = self.dict[key]
if expTime is not None and time.time() >= expTime:
val = None
except KeyError:
# Not found
val = None
return val

def Set(self, key, value, ttlSec):
expires = ttlSec
if ttlSec is not None:
expires = ttlSec + time.time()
self.dict[key] = (expires, value)

This of course grows without bounds but most of the time I don't really care.
You could add a cleanup() method or something that gets called every once in
awhile from your main event loop. A ttlSec value of None indicates a
non-expiring entry, e.g. due to an entry from the hosts file.

- IIRC you actually get a time-to-live (TTL) value for each IP returned by the
DNS, but to simplify things I usually store them all using the minimum TTL
value from the whole set (makes the cache simpler).



Dave Brueck said:
Most likely the connect call is doing a DNS lookup, which means your execution
pauses while some other (non-Python) code goes and talks to the DNS server.

Thank you, that was exactly the problem. Instead of messing around
with DNS lookup protocols, I rewrote the program using threads. Now
the lookups take O(1) rather than O(number of threads/user threads)
time :)

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