Offline windows registry access on *nix platforms.



Hi Everybody,

I do a fair bit of programming in Python and I have to say I find perl a
little intimidating right now as I don't have a lot of experience with
it however its the only language I have found that seemed to have a
library for what I need right now: Win32::Registry (or maybe

I way to read/search for windows registry keys from offline hive files
e.g. NTUSER.DAT on *nix platforms, in my case Ubuntu linux - nothing
more advanced than that.

Given that I only need this functionality, performance is a not issue
and I'm very comfortable in Python I thought I might try and write a
pair of wrapper functions - one to check the existence of a key, one to
return a keys values.

Sadly though I have fallen at the first hurdle, I get "OS unsupported"
when I type "install Win32::Registry" into CPAN so I guess it's windows
only :(

Anyone know of an open source module/library that can do what I want?
Ideally Python or Perl, but I suppose any free language I can compile or
easily bundle/distribute would do.

Alternatively if anyone knows of a *nix app that can decode a windows
registry into a flat text file?

At a push I could compile something that can do this on windows and run
it via wine but I'd really like to avoid that if I can.

Suggestions & pointers greatly appreciated,



r0g said:
Hi Everybody,

I do a fair bit of programming in Python and I have to say I find perl a
little intimidating right now as I don't have a lot of experience with
it however its the only language I have found that seemed to have a
library for what I need right now: Win32::Registry (or maybe

I way to read/search for windows registry keys from offline hive files
e.g. NTUSER.DAT on *nix platforms, in my case Ubuntu linux - nothing
more advanced than that.

Actually scrap that, just found "Parse::Win32Registry", happy days! :)


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