Opera Bug: need help



Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Animesh Kumar <animesh1978
@gmail.com> writing in
However, however! I just want _one_ (yeah just one) heading in bold and
I used <h2> for that. I don't quite see if I just have to use _one_
heading, why can't I use <h2> or <h1> or <h6> and size it according to
my need? (I could also use a "p" and define it properly in CSS; just
that <h2> suited my need very well so I used it).

I don't think you understand. If there is only one heading for the page,
then use H1 (one means one, afterall). If there is a second heading, then
use H1 and H2, and so on. You can make H1 look like regular text, or you
can make it look as big or small as you want, color it, border it, etc.
The appearance is not important, what is important is the logical structure
of the document. Again, if you only have one heading, then use H1.

Toby Inkster

Beauregard said:
Proper structure would dictate that there should be no <h2> without an
<h1>. They are headings, not styling devices.

And indeed in some versions of HTML[1], you *cannot* use an <h2> without
an <h1> above it.

[1] For example, ISO/IEC 15445:2000(E), the only *truly* standardised
version of HTML -- it is a tightening of the HTML 4.01 recommendation.

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