Order 'total' problem.



Thank you Michael, you helped me to add more than one product to the order
form. Will also take your advice when I get past the basics.

I now need to collect the results from the two products and put them into a
'Total' field.
Also need to add 'freight'.
Would normally be ok with this, but the 'result' from each product field is
a little different to most. (Have a look at the HTML result).
Again, any assistance would be appreciated.

PS: Please let me know if there is somewhere else I should be posting these
questions. Seems I am very much a beginner.

Have attached the code below for the example.

Thank you.

<META http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<BODY onLoad="findPrice();">
<form name="Hypersnap" method="post">
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
var max_hsunits1 = 1000;
var currency = "$"; // currency sign used in 'formatMessage()'
function getDiscountPrice(hsunits1) {
if (hsunits1 >= max_hsunits1) return 18;
if (hsunits1 >= 750) return 20;
if (hsunits1 >= 500) return 25;
if (hsunits1 >= 250) return 28;
if (hsunits1 >= 150) return 30;
if (hsunits1 >= 75) return 31;
if (hsunits1 >= 50) return 40;
if (hsunits1 >= 25) return 45;
if (hsunits1 >= 10) return 47;
if (hsunits1 >= 5) return 50;
if (hsunits1 >= 1) return 55;
if (hsunits1 <= 0) return 0;
function getNumberOfUnits() {
var hsunits1 = document.forms['Hypersnap'].elements['hsunits1'].value;
return (hsunits1 == "") ? 0 : hsunits1;
function showResult(result) {
document.Hypersnap.hsresult1.value = result;
function formatMessage(hsunits1, unit_price) {
return hsunits1 + " * " + currency + formatPrice(unit_price) + " = " +
currency + formatPrice(hsunits1 * unit_price);
function getAltUnits(hsunits1) {
var discount_price = getDiscountPrice(hsunits1);
if (hsunits1 < max_hsunits1) do { hsunits1++ } while (discount_price ==
return hsunits1;
function findPrice() {
var hsunits1 = getNumberOfUnits();
var unit_price = getDiscountPrice(hsunits1);
var alt_hsunits1 = getAltUnits(hsunits1);
var alt_unit_price = getDiscountPrice(alt_hsunits1);
var result;
if ((hsunits1 * unit_price) < (alt_hsunits1 * alt_unit_price))
result = formatMessage(hsunits1, unit_price);
result = formatMessage(alt_hsunits1, alt_unit_price);
function formatPrice(value) {
var result= Math.floor(value) + ".";
var cents = 100 * (value-Math.floor(value)) + 0.5;
result += Math.floor(cents / 10);
result += Math.floor(cents % 10);
return result;
function filterNonNumeric(field) {
var result = new String();
var numbers = "0123456789";
var chars = field.value.split(""); // create array
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (numbers.indexOf(chars) != -1) result += chars;
if (field.value != result) field.value = result;
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
var max_hsunits2 = 1000;
var currency = "$"; // currency sign used in 'formatMessage2()'
function getDiscountPrice2(hsunits2) {
if (hsunits2 >= max_hsunits2) return 18;
if (hsunits2 >= 750) return 20;
if (hsunits2 >= 500) return 25;
if (hsunits2 >= 250) return 28;
if (hsunits2 >= 150) return 30;
if (hsunits2 >= 75) return 31;
if (hsunits2 >= 50) return 40;
if (hsunits2 >= 25) return 45;
if (hsunits2 >= 10) return 47;
if (hsunits2 >= 5) return 50;
if (hsunits2 >= 1) return 47;
if (hsunits2 <= 0) return 0;
function getNumberOfUnits2() {
var hsunits2 = document.forms['Hypersnap'].elements['hsunits2'].value;
return (hsunits2 == "") ? 0 : hsunits2;
function showResult2(result2) {
// adjust the following line if result2 must popup somewhere else
document.Hypersnap.hsresult2.value = result2;
function formatMessage2(hsunits2, unit_price2) {
return hsunits2 + " * " + currency + formatPrice2(unit_price2) + " = " +
currency + formatPrice2(hsunits2 * unit_price2);
// AltUnits2 (alternate hsunits2): add extra hsunits2 to reach minimum for
next discount price
function getAltUnits2(hsunits2) {
var discount_price2 = getDiscountPrice2(hsunits2);
if (hsunits2 < max_hsunits2) do { hsunits2++ } while (discount_price2 ==
return hsunits2;
function findPrice2() {
var hsunits2 = getNumberOfUnits2();
var unit_price2 = getDiscountPrice2(hsunits2);
var alt_hsunits2 = getAltUnits2(hsunits2);
var alt_unit_price2 = getDiscountPrice2(alt_hsunits2);
var result2;
if ((hsunits2 * unit_price2) < (alt_hsunits2 * alt_unit_price2))
result2 = formatMessage2(hsunits2, unit_price2);
result2 = formatMessage2(alt_hsunits2, alt_unit_price2);
function formatPrice2(value2) {
var result2= Math.floor(value2) + ".";
var cents = 100 * (value2-Math.floor(value2)) + 0.5;
result2 += Math.floor(cents / 10);
result2 += Math.floor(cents % 10);
return result2;
function filterNonNumeric(field) {
var result2 = new String();
var numbers = "0123456789";
var chars = field.value.split(""); // create array
for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (numbers.indexOf(chars) != -1) result2 += chars;
if (field.value2 != result2) field.value = result2;
<p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>Product 1 - Number of
<input type=text value="0" name="hsunits1" onkeydown="findPrice()"
onKeyUp="filterNonNumeric(this); findPrice()" onkeypress="findPrice()"
size="4" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">
<input type=text onfocus="this.blur()" name="hsresult1" size="24"
style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
<br><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>Product 2 - Number of
<input type=text value="0" name="hsunits2" onkeydown="findPrice2()"
onKeyUp="filterNonNumeric(this); findPrice2()" onkeypress="findPrice2()"
size="4" style="font-weight:bold; text-align:center;">
<input type=text onfocus="this.blur()" name="hsresult2" size="24"
style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="black"><select
name="hsfreight" tabindex="46" onchange="ComputeForm()"
language="JavaScript" size="1">
<option value="-/0" selected>Please select
your choice of freight</option>
<option value="AUD/700">Australia - Standard
<option value="AUD/1500">Outside Australia
<option value="Nil/000">No Freight - (Software
<option value="-/0"></option>
</select></font>&nbsp;<p align="left"><font color="black"
face="Arial"><strong>Total Sales</strong></font><font
type="text" name="hstotal" value="0.00" size="16"
style="font-family:Arial; font-style:normal;
font-weight:bolder; font-size:11pt; color:white;

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