Parsing a Python dictionary inside a Python extension




I would like to pass a dictionary from my Python code to my Python
extension, extract
various values from the dictionary (from within the extension) , modify the
values for the
relevant keys and return the modified dictionary to Python.

Can someone point me to an example of what the C code might look like to do

I tried something like this and it has not worked.

static PyObject * ModifyDictionary( PyObject * self , PyObject * args )
int atab1 = 0 , atab2 = 0;
PyObject * vdict = NULL;
PyObject * item = NULL;
PyObject * ndict = NULL;

PyArg_ParseTuple( args , "O" , & vdict );

if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab1")) != NULL
) PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab1 );
if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab2")) != NULL
) PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab2 );

// modify values here and rebuild the dictionary
// ndict = Py_BuildValue( ........create dictionary here ..........)

return ndict ;

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong or point me to an example?

Thanks for your help.


1. Why not to simplfy the problem. You can extract values from the
dictionari in python (this is fast). Put them in a list (fast). Pass
the list to the extension, handle it and return to python. etc.

2. Use Pyrex.


I tried something like this and it has not worked.

Oh! What did you ask of it, what did you expect and what did you get?

if ( (item = PyDict_GetItemString( vdict , "atab1")) != NULL )
PyArg_ParseTuple( item , "i" , &atab1 );

This code expects a dictionary in which keys 'atab1' and 'atab2' are
singletons of integer. If that's what you want, I'd say it should work.

// ndict = Py_BuildValue( ........create dictionary here ..........)

return ndict ;

I personnally prefer 'return Py_BuildValue("");' than returning NULL
pointers (but I don't like to check the doc just to make sure NULL can
be interpreted as None).

In order to build a dictionary you could try:

return Py_BuildValue("{s:i,s:i}", "key1", atab1, "key2", atab2);

Or even "{s:(i),s:(i)}" to have singletons for values.


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