Passing an array to a function, where each element is an argument?



I have a function that expects a comma seperated list of values.

Is there some way to pass it an array, where each element is treated
as a distinct value?

For example, I have an array @VALS with values: "one", "two, "three".

Can I call "row" in a way such that it appears to have been called
like so:


.... without knowing how many elements are in @VALS


Dmitry Roslyakov

Tony said:
I have a function that expects a comma seperated list of values.

Is there some way to pass it an array, where each element is treated
as a distinct value?

For example, I have an array @VALS with values: "one", "two, "three".

Can I call "row" in a way such that it appears to have been called
like so:


... without knowing how many elements are in @VALS


Try something like this:

$rtf->row($arowdef, @VALS);


I have a function that expects a comma seperated list of values.

Is there some way to pass it an array, where each element is treated
as a distinct value?

For example, I have an array @VALS with values: "one", "two, "three".

Can I call "row" in a way such that it appears to have been called
like so:


... without knowing how many elements are in @VALS


Maybe I don't understand the question, but what's wrong with just
calling the function with @VALS:

use Data::Dumper;
sub row { print Dumper \@_ };
@VALS = qw/one two three/;
row('zero', @VALS);


$VAR1 = [

Beable van Polasm

I have a function that expects a comma seperated list of values.

Is there some way to pass it an array, where each element is treated
as a distinct value?

For example, I have an array @VALS with values: "one", "two, "three".

Can I call "row" in a way such that it appears to have been called
like so:


... without knowing how many elements are in @VALS

Yes of course. Did you try this?

$rtf->row($arowdef, @VALS);



use strict;
use warnings;

my @VALS = qw / one two three /;
my $arowdef = "abc";

xxx($arowdef, @VALS);

sub xxx
my @args = @_;

foreach my $arg(@args)
print("arg = $arg\n");



Tore Aursand

I have a function that expects a comma seperated list of values.

I guess you mean an array?
Is there some way to pass it an array, where each element is treated
as a distinct value?

For example, I have an array @VALS with values: "one", "two, "three".

Can I call "row" in a way such that it appears to have been called
like so:


... without knowing how many elements are in @VALS

Yes. A sub-routine always expects a number of values, which are
represented in '@_';

sub row {
my @values = @_;

You also mentioned that you wanted the array to be unique. Take a look at
'perldoc -q duplicate' for more information on that issue.

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