Password prompt when <allow roles="foo">



In my intranet app, I have my web.config file's authorization section
defined as follows:

<allow roles="foo" />
<deny users="*" />

The IIS 6 virtual dir is set to anonymous=NO, Integrated Windows
Authentication = ON.

When I add a user to the "foo" group, IE prompts for the user name and
password. I don't understand why, but that's bearable I guess. So the
user checks "Remember my password" and logs in.

IE will not, however, remember the user's password. It does remember
the username, but he has to enter the password every time he opens the
page in a new browser session.

If I add the domain\user explicitly in an <allow users=....> tag,
there is no prompt and the user automatically logs in. I'd like it to
work this way with group members as well.

The site is in the "trusted sites" zone, with the User Authentication-
Logon setting: "Automatic logon with current username and password."
Why does role-based authentication cause IE to insist on a password
prompt? Am I missing something simple?



On further investigation this behavior appears limited to an XP
machine (my test server). Installing the ASP.NET app on a machine
running 2000 Server has apparently eliminated the problem.

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