"Pattern" or "best practice" in security checks

  • Thread starter Anders K. Jacobsen [DK]
  • Start date

Anders K. Jacobsen [DK]


Im developing an ASP.NET CRUD application where i need to do some
authorization checks on surden actions. Eg. some account have access to
delete in a sudden datagrid and some have not. So I have to be more detailed
that on page level. Rather component level.

This ends up, as I see now, in a alot of checks in the different involed
events. Further I have to adjust the view so that actually can't delete in a
sudden datagrid. This is of course not secure enough so therefore the checks
in the events.

This just sounds like a plain nightmare to maintain and develope. Do you
have a clever suggestion to this issue? I guess it's not the first time this
have come up.

To summerize. I want to avoid this.

private void datagrid_DeleteCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs
if(User.IsInRole("Admin") || User.IsInRole("Developer"))
long currentid = Int64.Parse(((Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblid")).Text);

Thanks in regards
Anders, Denmark

Johann MacDonagh

I would create a simple permission manager with an XML or database store.
You could simply call something like this:

PermissionManager.HasPermission("Delete", theRowsID);

and it would return a bool stating whether the current user has the
permission to delete that current object. I would then take advantage of the
ItemCreated event of the DataGrid and hide the Delete LinkButton for any
rows that the current user shouldn't be able to delete. You'll still need
code in the DeleteCommand like you posted, only you could use a
PermissionManager setup for easier management.

Here's an example PermissionManager, although it is developed for the .NET
2.0 framework:

Hope this helps,
Johann MacDonagh

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