Perhaps Python can do this better ?



Using a script:--
lynx -dump '<URL1>' > Fl1
lynx -dump '<URLn>' > Fln
where the URLs are filled in off line, is a great online-telco-cost
saver for me here in 3rd world S. Africa.

I want to similarly send a set of pre-written emails via the
same script.

Is this possible & how ?

And if not via lynx, by some other means.
What I like about the above is that you don't even need to
load/see lynx, which is just in the background.

(e-mail address removed) wrote:
] can't you use 'mail' or 'mutt'?
] $ man mail
] $ man mailx
] $ man mutt

Enrique Perez-Terron wrote:
} The oldest Unix email I know of used this syntax to send mail:
} mail -s "subject" recipient@host < mailfile
} but it actually invokes "sendmail" to do the delivery. Configuring
} sendmail is **dificult**. Postfix is somewhat easier. Most systems
} come with sendmail already installed.
} The trouble is that the standard sendmail config supposes that your
} computer is a first-class citizen of the Internet, with it's own
} properly registered dns hostname. Then sendmail would use DNS to
} figure out what computer to relay the mail to for the given recipient
} address.
} ...etc...BIG explanation.
} Andrew Preater wrote:
} A simple mailer such as ssmtp would do this trick. It's
} sendmail-compliant so you can use it with mutt et al., all it
} does it send mail through to your smarthost which could be your
} ISPs server or another machine on your network. It can rewrite
} the From and envelope for you too, but you might as well do that
} in mutt.
} ......
} IIRC pine can do this. But then you'd be using pine (aaargh!)
} rather than mutt.

Yea well I don't want to install ssmtp or other stuff.
That's how bloat spreads.
"mail" apparently calls 'sendmail' - a monster AFAIK ?
It was enough trouble setting up: dial > ppp.
I don't need another layer of crap.
Perhaps I'll use pine.
But since lynx can do it 'manually' please remind me of the bash
syntax for:

1. 'output char("x") as if in CLI'
2. 'output string("string1") as if in CLI'
3. 'output text of File1 as if in CLI'

Then I can just make some templates to combine with the
'getHttp-to-file' which lynx does so well already.

Thanks for any input,

== chris Glur.

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