PHP guy turned ASP needs pointers


Lee Marsh

I am used to programming with PHP, but recently my employer has requested
that I make some webapps for him in ASP.NET since that's what they run on
their intranet server, and that's all they're willing to run. a
result, I am learning ASP.NET now. I'm used to using many of my PHP tricks
and was hoping that many of them have ASP counterparts. A few main things
stick out in my mind:

1. Can you do code include's. Like in php you can use the include command
and then specify a script file and it will include all the code in the
included script file.

2. The explode function. Anyone that has PHP knows what I'm talking about.
Anythign like that in asp?

3. Any of the image functions. In php it's really easy to manipulate and
create jpeg photos. Does asp have similar capabilities?

TIA for any advice!


Goodbye, adios, bis bald, see ya later, wiedersehen, and everything in


1. You could (#include directive) but in ASP.NET it' likely considered as
legacy and it's preferred to use classes, user controls or web controls.
Depends the exact need of runs include files...
2. Not sure, looks like System.String.Split
3. Use System.Drawing.Windows Graphics is available from ASP.NET application


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