Preserving DOM context between pages when drilling down


Richard Maher


a) I have two frames in the frameset and an Applet tag in the first/header
frame that gives all frames access to a socket so as to retrieve information
from the server.

b) In the second frame I ask the user for the key to some data, send that
down the socket, retrieve the result set, and display it in a drop-down
select list.

c) If the user double-clicks on one of options in the select list I will
send the key over the socket again to drill down for more complete
individual information.

I have two questions about what to do next and am ignorant about the tools
available to me or what is "the done thing".

Q1) There is a whole lot of background, prompts, scripts, and paraphernalia
that will accompany the on-screen presence of the "details" data that I've
just got back from the server, so would it make more sense to ask the
browser to display (and cache) the background html page and then use the
ONload to populate the output fields with object.value = applet.method? Or
would document.write(thewholething) make more sense? Are there other
options? If I was using a webserver instead of a socket application server,
how would that populate the result page before display?

Q2) Once I've displayed the details page is it possible to preserve the
contents and state of the select list on its predecessor page? I'd like to
have an up/down button setup on the details page that would scroll through
the result set in the select list without having to return or go-back to the
previous page; is that possible? Does a
parent.frames["myframe"].document.formOnLastPage.myoptions[0] work?

Thanks for any help.

Regards Richard Maher

PS. Still a newbie, so sorry if the questions are a bit basic or unclear.

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