Problem with automatic (headless) build and test with eclipse test framework




I've got a tricky problem with my automated build and test. I want to
set up an automated build server for my project and I want to build
and test my eclipse-plugins with the eclipse testing framework (see
I'm using java 1.5, ant 1.7, eclipse 3.2.1 (both as development
environment and target platform) and the eclipse testing framework on
a windows XP machine.

So far so good. The automatic build of my plug-ins runs without
problems and my plugins get packaged. Then my build-script copies a
complete Eclipse-SDK in a test-folder and copies the newly built plug-
ins there. Then I call the eclipse platform from my ant script (but
the following error also occurs if I start it from the commandline)
and call the ui or core-test-application provided by the eclipse-test-
framework. I also specify the plugin with the test and also the
testclass itself. Below I will show the java-call and the setting of
the properties:

<target name="core-test">
<antcall target="eclipse-test">
<param name="application"

<target name="eclipse-test">
Parameters to this target:
data-dir - the directory for Eclipse to write its data
plugin-name - the name of the plugin to test
classname - the name of the test class
vmargs - a string containing arguments to pass to the VM - defaults
to ""
<format property="TIMENOW" pattern="HHmmssSSSS"/>
<!--set default heap sizes when running performance tests-->
<condition property="vmargs" value=" -Xms256M -Xmx256M">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="performance" />
<property name="vmargs" value=""/>
<property name="formatter"
value=""/ <property name="extraVMargs" value=""/>
<property name="plugin-path" value="" />
<property name="timeout" value="7200000" />
<property name="test-output" value="output.xml" /> <!-- This file is
not used anymore! Only the parent directory is relevant -->
<property name="test-application"
value="org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication" />
<property name="includePattern" value="**/*Test.class" />
<property name="excludePattern" value="" />
<property name="failonerror" value="false" />
<property name="testlistener"

<!--set default jvm to use for testing-->
<property name="jvm" value="${java.home}/bin/java" />

<!--Load value for eclipse.buildId from the config.ini file-->
<property file="${eclipse-home}/configuration/config.ini" />

<echo message="Running test from ${plugin-name} class ${testclass-

<echo message="${application} ${data-dir} ${plugin-name} ${testclass-
name} ${extraVMargs} ${plugin-path}" />

<!-- Produces the file '${default-filename}' -->
<java jar="${eclipse-home}/startup.jar" logerror="true" fork="true"
timeout="${timeout}" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="${failonerror}">
<arg line="-application ${application}"/>
<arg line="-data ${data-dir}"/>
<arg line="-formatter=${formatter},${test-output}"/>
<arg line="-testpluginname ${plugin-name}"/>
<arg line="-classname ${classname}"/>
<arg line="-os ${os}"/>
<arg line="-ws ${ws}"/>
<arg line="-arch ${arch}"/>

My problem is this, that everytime I start this the java call returns
1, indicating that a test case went wrong. I've added debug statements
and I saw that the Activator of my test-plugin was called but not the
test-class and the testmethod itself. Although I specified the plugin-
name and classname. I've checked everything I can think of, the plugin
is in the target-eclipse-platform, the plugin-name and classname are
correctly spelled. I tried some variations of the call parameters. I
called the platform from within another eclipse, I called it from the
commandline always return 1! And I don't understand why my testcase
isn't called, as I made the call excatly as it is specified in the
manual (

I hope someone out there can help me or at least give me a useful hint
as I'm at my wit's end I cannot think of something else to try.

Andreas Schweitzer


I am also facing the same problem, if it is fixed for you, could you
please let me know ?



I was trying with "org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication" and I had to
use the follwing arguments to run my test case from my test plugin
which would run in the context of my application..

<property name="launcher" value="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" />
<echo message="Running ${classname}" />

<java classname="${launcher}" fork="true" dir="$
{workspace}" failonerror="true" logerror="true">
<pathelement location="${workspace}/startup.jar" />
<enable />

<arg line="-application org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication"/>
<arg line="-testApplication {my_application_name}"/>
<arg line="-product ${my_product_name}"/>
<arg line="-data ${data-dir}"/>
<arg line="-testpluginname ${}"/>
<arg line="formatter=${formatter},${}.xml"/>
<arg line="-classname ${}"/>
<arg line="-os ${baseos}" />
<arg line="-ws ${basews}" />
<arg line="-arch ${basearch}" />
<jvmarg line="${vmargs} ${extraVMargs}"/>
<sysproperty key="PLUGIN_PATH" value="${plugin-path}"/>

Hope this helps as this was not properly documented.



I've already solved this problem.

After I've tried lots of things and changed lots of things in hope for
solving the problem, I thought it would be best to take a step back
and try again. So I replaced my changed verson of library.xml with the
original one (with the original java-call) and it worked!


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