[Q] module name available in 'from ... import ...' statement



What is the condition of module name which is available in
'from .. import ..' statement ?

import os
print os.path # <module 'posixpath' from '/usr/local/
from posixpath import sep # (no errors)
from os.path import sep # (no errors, wow!)
path = os.path
from path import sep # ImportError: No module named path

I found that library 'os.py' exists but 'os/path.py' doesn't exist
in '/usr/local/lib/python2.5'.
It means that file 'os/path.py' is not required to perform
'from os.path import sep' statement.

Could you teach me the condition of module name which is available
in 'from ... import ...' statement?

The goal what I want to do is to create a module by 'new' module
and specify that module name in 'from ...' statement.

# create a module
import new
foo = new.module('foo')
foo.pi = 3.14159
foo.x2 = lambda x: 2*x
# specify it in 'from' statement
from foo import pi, x2 # ImportError: No module named foo

Carsten Haese

The goal what I want to do is to create a module by 'new' module
and specify that module name in 'from ...' statement.

# create a module
import new
foo = new.module('foo')
foo.pi = 3.14159
foo.x2 = lambda x: 2*x
# specify it in 'from' statement
from foo import pi, x2 # ImportError: No module named foo

Not that this can't be done, but why do you think you have to create
this 'foo' module on the fly? What is the actual problem you're trying
to solve?


Gabriel Genellina

Could you teach me the condition of module name which is available
in 'from ... import ...' statement?

The goal what I want to do is to create a module by 'new' module
and specify that module name in 'from ...' statement.

You can create the module with imp.new_module, populate it, and then
insert it inside sys.modules:

py> from imp import *
py> m = new_module("foo")
py> m
<module 'foo' (built-in)>
py> m.a = 1
py> def test():
.... print "Function test inside foo module"
py> m.test = test
py> import sys
py> sys.modules["foo"]=m
py> m
<module 'foo' (built-in)>
py> foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined
py> import foo
py> foo.test()
Function test inside foo module

But, why do you want to do this exactly?


Thanks Carsten and Gabriel,
the answer is 'sys.modules'.

import sys, os
from path import sep # ImportError: No module named path
sys.modules['path'] = os.path
from path import sep # (no error)

I can now import from my module which is generated by 'new' module.

# create a module
import new
foo = new.module('foo')
foo.pi = 3.14159
foo.x2 = lambda x: 2*x
# register it to sys.modules
import sys
sys.modules['foo'] = foo
# import from that module
from foo import pi, x2


Not that this can't be done, but why do you think you have to create
this 'foo' module on the fly? What is the actual problem you're trying
to solve?

I have a package which has several small modules and I want to
integrate them into a file, with keeping compatibility.






Gabriel Genellina said:
Could you teach me the condition of module name which is available
in 'from ... import ...' statement?
The goal what I want to do is to create a module by 'new' module
and specify that module name in 'from ...' statement.

You can create the module with imp.new_module, populate it, and then
insert it inside sys.modules:

py> from imp import *
py> m = new_module("foo")
py> m
<module 'foo' (built-in)>
py> m.a = 1
py> def test():
... print "Function test inside foo module"
py> m.test = test
py> import sys
py> sys.modules["foo"]=m
py> m
<module 'foo' (built-in)>
py> foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined
py> import foo
py> foo.test()
Function test inside foo module

But, why do you want to do this exactly?

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