Racial equality is a myth!



Toby Inkster said:
These online IQ tests are not a good guide to go by. They consistantly
over-inflate IQ scores to make people feel good about themselves and keep
people coming back.

I recently got an IQ score of 155 in an online test, but in a somewhat
more reliable test (a book endorsed by Mensa, who have a vested interest
in accurate IQ measurement), scored nearly 20 points lower than that.

I wasn't talking about online tests :)
A friend of mine is a psychologist, and a great defender of those tests. I
used to take them to prove the point that they are worthless, since he knows
me quite well, the results of the tests are in contradiction with his
observations. Doesn't seem to bother him though... I've given up on that
(been more then 10 years ago, not very much online at that time...).



(Pete Cresswell) said:
Per WebMaster:

If you had to work with 10 people on a fairly-complex project would you chose to
work with:

1) 10 people with room-temperature IQs

Fahrenheit, I presume?



Els said:
Those tests they do with chimpansees come pretty close though.
You know, the ones where they put a banana in a tube that's too
narrow for them to enter and see how they solve the problem ;-)

Start with a cage containing 5 monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a
string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to
the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the
stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water. After a while,
another monkey makes an attempt with the same result - all of the other
monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries
to climb the stairs, the rest of the monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put away the cold water, remove one monkey from the cage and replace it
with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the
stairs. To his surprise and horror, all the other monkeys attack him. After
another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he
will be assaulted.

Next, remove another of the original 5 monkeys and replace it with a new
one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer
takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace the original
3rd monkey with a new one . then the 4th, then the 5th. Most of the monkeys
taking part in the beatings have no idea why they are not permitted to climb
the stairs or why they are participating in the punishment of the newest

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have
ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again
approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they
know, that's the way it's always been done around here.

And that, my friends, is how company policy begins.




There's been some stuff on IQ tests recently and it has been pointed out
that many answers are equally valid to some questions. On the whole though,
in our heart of hearts, we mostly know the answer (when we see it) that is
expected and that in itself is a test of some kind of intelligence
(involving background knowledge). The idea that different interpretations
can produce equally valid answers can be used to avoid having to get it
right. Just in case this point has not been made.

Clear as mud? OK, analogy, you test students for artistic flair and set a
task. Some students (who have none) splash stuff and call it modern art and
are indignant that it is judged down (imagine the arguments they can use!).
But in the end, they just have no talent in painting and this stuff won't
I would say that if they have plenty of good arguments for it, then
they have some kind of 'artistic-intelligence'. Whether or not it's
been learned or is innate should be beside the point if they are able
to use that knowledge/intelligence.
Whether or not it will sell would depend on whether or not a buyer has
the same opinion of art - surely artistic flair is subjective.
Not saying IQ tests are great or can't be misused, just that there are some
important predictive types of intelligence that can be tested by them...

....and many that can't. One of the best academic predictors for
children (apparently) is whether or not a child has a good rhythmic
'intelligence', because music is strongly linked with auditory memory.

Pete Gray

Answer is E. Chickens are birds. Two of them are flying around.
No, the answer is A. Two of the dogs and all of the chickens are in the

Or possibly D: Two of the dogs are shagging.


From: "WebMaster said:
2005 01:28:31 +0100 Subject: Re: IQ Tests

There's been some stuff on IQ
tests recently and it has been pointed out that many answers are equally valid
to some questions. On the whole though, in our heart of hearts, we mostly know
the answer (when we see it) that is expected and that in itself is a test of
some kind of intelligence (involving background knowledge). The idea that
different interpretations can produce equally valid answers can be used to
avoid having to get it right. Just in case this point has not been made.

I have an IQ over 150, when measured by those stupid tests. This makes me a
genius (even when I take english based tests, while english sure as hell isn't
my native language (I can manage 7 languages, english being the 4th.)). Most
of the time, I'm downright stupid :) IQ tests do not show anything but how
good you are at a specific test at a specific moment...


You say: "IQ tests do not show anything but how good you are at a specific
test at a specific moment..." This is simply not true. And you show nothing
whatsoever in support of it. As it happens (no fault of my own really) I
have a very low IQ and it is apparent in almost everything I do and say. I
am much more stupid than you but have probably been luckier in my education
(again, maybe not entirely my doing) and can see this... :)

If you really do get 150 on properly conducted IQ tests and literally
believe they "do not show anything but how good you are at a specific test
at a specific moment" then you confirm a theory of mine about humans. Most
of us are truly mad (look at all the intelligent people who believe in the
most baseless things like most religious tenets)



From: Toby Inkster said:
Newsgroups: alt.politics.nationalism.white,alt.html,alt.comedy
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 10:26:25 +0000
Subject: Re: Racial equality is a myth!

Pure intelligence tests are difficult.

Some aspects of intelligence may be tested purely -- tangrams are a good
pure test of intelligence, but they only test one aspect (spacial
awareness) and ones ability improves with practice.

But a truly comprehensive pure intelligence test has so far eluded us.

"a truly comprehensive pure intelligence test" can't be any clearer a notion
than "intelligence" and this latter is not clear at all. Simply, there are
many kinds of intelligence just as there are many kinds of athleticism.
Still, well made IQ tests do test (as you imply) various aspects of mental
skill, many of which are very useful in very many activities if not most...



From: "WebMaster said:
Newsgroups: alt.html
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 12:48:00 +0100
Subject: Re: IQ Tests

I wasn't talking about online tests :)
A friend of mine is a psychologist, and a great defender of those tests. I
used to take them to prove the point that they are worthless, since he knows
me quite well, the results of the tests are in contradiction with his
observations. Doesn't seem to bother him though... I've given up on that
(been more then 10 years ago, not very much online at that time...).


Rudy, how does you taking these tests prove they are worthless?



dorayme said:
You say: "IQ tests do not show anything but how good you are at a specific
test at a specific moment..." This is simply not true. And you show nothing
whatsoever in support of it. As it happens (no fault of my own really) I
have a very low IQ and it is apparent in almost everything I do and say. I
am much more stupid than you but have probably been luckier in my education
(again, maybe not entirely my doing) and can see this... :)

If you really do get 150 on properly conducted IQ tests and literally
believe they "do not show anything but how good you are at a specific test
at a specific moment" then you confirm a theory of mine about humans. Most
of us are truly mad (look at all the intelligent people who believe in the
most baseless things like most religious tenets)

I am an atheist :)
But I won't deny being mad...



dorayme said:
Rudy, how does you taking these tests prove they are worthless?

Since the guy who took them from me is a pro, and he knows me rather well,
he should observe that the results of the tests are in contradiction with
what he knows of me in daily lefe :)



From: "WebMaster said:
Newsgroups: alt.html
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:26:40 +0100
Subject: Re: IQ Tests

Since the guy who took them from me is a pro, and he knows me rather well,
he should observe that the results of the tests are in contradiction with
what he knows of me in daily lefe :)


Rudy, is it just possible that your pro friend does not want to hurt your
feelings, (unlike my callous indifference to a fellow atheist)? He knows
you are really as thick as two planks but, being a friend, sees no point in
using his professional skills to emphasise it (some shrinks with formal
medical degrees are sworn to do no unnecessary harm, maybe he is being
watched and is worried for his licence?)



From: "WebMaster said:
Newsgroups: alt.html
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:25:13 +0100
Subject: Re: IQ Tests



I am an atheist :)
But I won't deny being mad...


OK, you are an atheist, that's good, tell me something now: since you are so
clever (IQ 150) why do all my lines have so many carriage returns or
apparent ones when they are quoted back? I use OE on a Mac and this has
always puzzled me and can't see any settings to twiddle to avoid this. Is
this some incompatibility between PC and Mac? Should be a breeze for you.
Anyone else have any knowledge of these matters? People with knowledge but
low IQ s are most welcome to suggest things...


sorry... but who can I ask? you fellers seem a nice bunch on the whole.

Honest Aryan

Toby said:
It is well known that non-Westerners do poorly at Western IQ tests, simply
because the design of the IQ test assumes knowledge of Western

It is well known that beginning a sentence
with "it is well known" means that you're making
it up.
In contrast, here is something that is well
known to people who know a lot about IQ tests:

"Over 80 different types/varieties of IQ tests
have been administered in over 300
different published studies, and blacks
have scored much lower than whites in
every study - one full standard deviation
usually, 15 pts., and often much worse.

Test analyses have shown that blacks
score lower than whites on every single
question on IQ tests in large samples.

The more difficult a question is (based
on how often it is answered incorrectly)
the greater is the disparity between
black and white results.

When questions are ranked according to
difficulty (most often missed) it is
found that the ordering for blacks and
whites is the same. This could not be
if there were actual cultural differences
between the two groups that affect
the way in which questions are perceived.

Not only has no one ever been able to design
an IQ test on which blacks score as high
as whites, but no one has ever been able
to design even one question on which
blacks score as well as whites.

The same can be said of the tests in regard
to the huge difference observed between
Jews and non-Jewish whites (17 points),
although there is less published data.

The differences in group IQs are real.
They are large. They are of great
social significance. The study of
and acceptance of this information
is not racism, rather it is science.

See Dr. Arthur Jensen's book `Bias in Mental
Testing' for more information."


OK, you are an atheist, that's good, tell me something now: since you are so
clever (IQ 150) why do all my lines have so many carriage returns or
apparent ones when they are quoted back? I use OE

See above.


dorayme said:
Rudy, is it just possible that your pro friend does not want to hurt your
feelings, (unlike my callous indifference to a fellow atheist)? He knows
you are really as thick as two planks but, being a friend, sees no point in
using his professional skills to emphasise it (some shrinks with formal
medical degrees are sworn to do no unnecessary harm, maybe he is being
watched and is worried for his licence?)

I live in belgium, not america. Things are a little different here.
Besides that, He not only showed me the results, but also how he got them.
He wanted to convince me that I was wrong, remember? :)



dorayme said:
OK, you are an atheist, that's good, tell me something now: since you are so
clever (IQ 150) why do all my lines have so many carriage returns or
apparent ones when they are quoted back? I use OE on a Mac and this has
always puzzled me and can't see any settings to twiddle to avoid this. Is
this some incompatibility between PC and Mac? Should be a breeze for you.
Anyone else have any knowledge of these matters? People with knowledge but
low IQ s are most welcome to suggest things...

I have not the faintest idea. I don't use a mac, and I don't believe in
reading minds. So how would me being a bright make me know anything?
Knowledge doesn't just fall into the mind, you know...



From: "WebMaster said:
Newsgroups: alt.html
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 09:28:51 +0100
Subject: Re: IQ Tests

I live in belgium, not america. Things are a little different here.
Besides that, He not only showed me the results, but also how he got them.
He wanted to convince me that I was wrong, remember? :)


What has "America" got to do with this? Look, Rudy, I promised to be good on
the list so we better take this off list if you want to continue. Otherwise,
well, just keep eating lots of green vegetables and see if you can get to
190 IQ on your friends tests... Make the subject of any email "IQ" or I
won't see it...



LOL, isn't this off topic in here? But I could not resist.

I had an IQ of 128 in the 6th grade (weren't supposed to tell me but the
teacher tried to expain how she thought I was "underperforming")

Then, about 15 years later, I bought an IQ test pamphlet to try at home, now
a 27 or so year old adult. Result: IQ =127

Then a few years ago (my age then=49) I took an online IQ test. result: 128.

Was I fudging to get them so close, yet decades apart? I'm a white guy in

Sid Ismail

On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:11:23 -0600, "Patrick"

: LOL, isn't this off topic in here? But I could not resist.
: I had an IQ of 128 in the 6th grade (weren't supposed to tell me but the
: teacher tried to expain how she thought I was "underperforming")
: Then, about 15 years later, I bought an IQ test pamphlet to try at home, now
: a 27 or so year old adult. Result: IQ =127
: Then a few years ago (my age then=49) I took an online IQ test. result: 128.
: Was I fudging to get them so close, yet decades apart? I'm a white guy in
: Amerika.

You're not getting smarter, eh?

Not a white guy in Amerika

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