reinterpret_cast<> and UB


Nate Barney

I have:

// base class for Vector and Matrix
template <unsigned N,typename Value=float>
class NonScalar

Value *ptr() { return e; }
const Value *ptr() const { return e; }


Value e[N];

// Vector class
template <unsigned N,typename Value=float>
class Vector : public NonScalar<N,Value>

Vector() {}
Vector(const NonScalar<N,Value> &ns) : NonScalar<N,Value>(ns) {}

// Matrix class
template <unsigned R,unsigned C,typename Value=float>
class Matrix : public NonScalar<R * C,Value>

Matrix() {}
Matrix(const NonScalar<R * C,Value> &ns) : NonScalar<R *
C,Value>(ns) {}

// Matrix multiplication operator
template <unsigned N>
Matrix<R,N,Value> operator*(const Matrix<C,N,Value> &m) const;

// Matrix * Vector operator
template <unsigned R,unsigned C,typename Value>
inline Vector<R,Value> operator*(const Matrix<R,C,Value> &m,
const Vector<C,Value> &v)
return static_cast<const Vector<R,Value>&>(m *
static_cast<const Matrix<C,1,Value>&>(v));

// Vector * Matrix operator
template <unsigned R,unsigned C,typename Value>
inline Vector<C,Value> operator*(const Vector<R,Value> &v,
const Matrix<R,C,Value> &m)
return static_cast<const Vector<C,Value>&>(
static_cast<const Matrix<1,R,Value>&>(v) * m);

The v*m and m*v operators work correctly, but the second static_cast<>
in each one copies the contents of the Vector into a temporary Matrix,
via the NonScalar copy constructor. What I'd like to do is replace
this cast with a reinterpret_cast<>, which would simply treat the
Vector like a Matrix for the purposes of the call. The question is:
would doing so invoke undefined behavior? If so, is there a way to
make these operators work without copying their contents?


Nate Barney

Nate said:
// Matrix class
template <unsigned R,unsigned C,typename Value=float>
class Matrix : public NonScalar<R * C,Value>
/* snip */

Oops, forgot the semicolon here.

Ron Natalie

Nate said:
The v*m and m*v operators work correctly, but the second static_cast<>
in each one copies the contents of the Vector into a temporary Matrix,
via the NonScalar copy constructor. What I'd like to do is replace
this cast with a reinterpret_cast<>, which would simply treat the
Vector like a Matrix for the purposes of the call. The question is:
would doing so invoke undefined behavior? If so, is there a way to
make these operators work without copying their contents?

No. The fact that the two classes are derived from a common base
and there are no virtual functions in play or data members in the
derived class indicate it might work, the standard doesn't require

What I might do to accomplish this is provide a Matrix class
(or a Matrix-like) class that is initialized with a Vector
and gets at the underlying NonScalar by reference rather than
making a copy.

Nate Barney

Ron said:
No. The fact that the two classes are derived from a common base
and there are no virtual functions in play or data members in the
derived class indicate it might work, the standard doesn't require

That's what I was afraid of. Oh well. Thanks for clearing that up for
What I might do to accomplish this is provide a Matrix class
(or a Matrix-like) class that is initialized with a Vector
and gets at the underlying NonScalar by reference rather than
making a copy.

That's not a bad idea. I'm also thinking about pushing operator*
down to NonScalar. I'll have to do a bit more thinking, though,
it seems.

Thanks again,

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