scroll a table

  • Thread starter veronique rossi
  • Start date

veronique rossi


I have put a table in a scrollable DIV so that only one part of the
table is visible.
Now, I want that, when I scroll, the table is scrolled item by item in
the table (as it is done when we scroll in a SELECT box).

How can I do that?
Can I change the scroll step of the DIV? (to set 1 scroll step =
line's height in the table)



veronique rossi

Here is the solution I have found:

<div id="mydiv" style="width:100;overflow:auto;background-color:#eeeeee;"
<table id="tblobjest1" class="lst" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"<tr id="row"><td>Row 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 3</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 4</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 5</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 6</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 7</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 8</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 9</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 10</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 11</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 12</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 13</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 14</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 15</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 16</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 17</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 18</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 19</td></tr>
<tr><td>Row 20</td></tr>

<script language='javascript'>

var realLastScrollTop = 0;
var currentLastScrollTop = 0;
var nbLines = 4;

// init the "table" height
document.all['mydiv'].style.height = document.all['row'].clientHeight
* nbLines;

function scroll(o) {

var cellHeight = document.all['row'].clientHeight;

if (currentLastScrollTop == o.scrollTop) {
// scroll action is stabilized
if (realLastScrollTop < o.scrollTop) {
o.scrollTop = (parseInt(o.scrollTop/cellHeight)+1)*cellHeight;
else {
if (o.scrollTop > (nbLines -1 * cellHeight)) {
o.scrollTop = parseInt(o.scrollTop/cellHeight)*cellHeight;
realLastScrollTop = o.scrollTop;



Tim Slattery

kaeli said:
Your solution is IE only.
That is fine for some people. I just thought I'd mention it for the

How much is IE only? He uses syntax like:

var cellHeight = document.all['row'].clientHeight;

which can be made browser-independent by changing it to:

var cellHeight = document.getElementById("row").clientHeight;

After clearing up addressing issues like that, what's left? Is
"clientHeight" maybe an IE only property?

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Tim Slattery said:
How much is IE only?

Hard to say. Since Opera is getting better and better at emulating IE,
some of it might not be IE-only, but will still fail in Mozilla.
He uses syntax like:

var cellHeight = document.all['row'].clientHeight;

which can be made browser-independent by changing it to:

Nothing is browser independent - Netscape 1 is still a browser :) So,
you have to make some assumptions about the browsers on the receiving
end. The fewer the better, but there will always be some.
var cellHeight = document.getElementById("row").clientHeight;
After clearing up addressing issues like that, what's left? Is
"clientHeight" maybe an IE only property?

In Mozilla, "clientHeight" seems to always give 0 for a table row.
So, probably.


How much is IE only? He uses syntax like:

var cellHeight = document.all['row'].clientHeight;

which can be made browser-independent by changing it to:

var cellHeight = document.getElementById("row").clientHeight;

After clearing up addressing issues like that, what's left? Is
"clientHeight" maybe an IE only property?

I am pretty sure clientHeight is IE only as well, but I was mostly
looking at the document.all stuff.

I am also not sure about the support for scrollTop.

AFAIK, both clientHeight and scrollTop are IE only, but someone correct
me if I'm wrong.

Synonym: the word you use in place of a word you can't

Tim Slattery

kaeli said:
Your solution is IE only.
That is fine for some people. I just thought I'd mention it for the

A little research shows that this syntax works in Mozilla Firefox:

<!-- <td> elements for the table headers -->
<tbody style="overflow:auto;height:200px">
<!-- <tr> elements and <td> elements defining a bunch of rows -->

This causes the a 200 pixel tall block of the body of the table to be
shown, along with a vertical scrollbar on the right side! For some
reason, Firefox decided to show only 387 pixels (as shown by the DOM
inspector) horizontally, and gave me a horizontal scroll bar as well!
I assume that I could explicitly specify a width in the style
attribute to control this tendency.

Submitting the same page to IE showed a very bizarre result: IE made
EACH ROW in the body 200 pixels tall! And MS now says they will update
IE only for new operating system releases. AAAUUUGGGG!!!

Tim Slattery

Tim Slattery said:
A little research shows that this syntax works in Mozilla Firefox:

<!-- <td> elements for the table headers -->
<tbody style="overflow:auto;height:200px">
<!-- <tr> elements and <td> elements defining a bunch of rows -->

This causes the a 200 pixel tall block of the body of the table to be
shown, along with a vertical scrollbar on the right side! For some
reason, Firefox decided to show only 387 pixels (as shown by the DOM
inspector) horizontally, and gave me a horizontal scroll bar as well!
I assume that I could explicitly specify a width in the style
attribute to control this tendency.

Submitting the same page to IE showed a very bizarre result: IE made
EACH ROW in the body 200 pixels tall! And MS now says they will update
IE only for new operating system releases. AAAUUUGGGG!!!

A bit more: Firefox seems to add the horizontal bar to compensate for
the horizontal space lost to the vertical scroll bar. I'd call that a
bug. Interestingly, Netscape 7.02 displays this table perfectly.

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