Scrolling of a datagrid



I want to make a datagrid to be scrollable instead of
paging in it. So i have out that datagrid html tags inside
<div></div> tags and made that div scrollable.
Due to this if i scroll down the datagrid,,header also
gets off the view because that header is also considered
as a row in datagrid!!
I want datagrid to be scrollable but header of the
datagrid should always be there.
Please suggest,



That articles talks about creating an html table,,
but i need to have sorting facility as well in that header
rows and also data grid will have hori. scroll bar in
it,,so moving data grid scroll bar horizontally,,upper
html table should also also get scrolled,,,and no
horizontal bar should be shown in the header html table!!

Please suugest me or send me the code if anyone can as it
is required very urgent!!


Jeremy Chapman

there's a few solutions, here's one that I devised. As far as I know, no
matter what, you'll essentially need two tables or grids. one for the
header and one for the body. You basically need to hide the header row from
your datagrid, and create a new table/grid with the header information.
Here is my solution which consists of two files. An external .css file and
the .aspx page

In an external .css file (I used GlobalStyles.css):

height: 30;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;

height: 30;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;

width: 100%;
height: 590;
overflow: auto;


End of external .css file.

In the <HEAD> section of the .aspx page:
function GetJSObject(objID)
var myObj;

myObj = document.getElementById(objID);
else if (document.layers)
myObj = document.layers[objID];
else if (document.all)
myObj = document.all(objID);


function Scroll()
GetJSObject("divHeader").scrollLeft =
<LINK href="GlobalStyles.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

End of <HEAD> section.

In the <BODY> section of the .aspx file:

<div class="divHeader" id="divHeader">
<asp:table id="tblHeader" runat="server"
EnableViewState="False" CssClass="tblHeader"></asp:table>
<div class="divBody" id="divBody" onscroll="Scroll();">
<asp:table id="tblBody" runat="server" EnableViewState="False"

End of <BODY> section.

That's it. I used Tables, but you could use a grid as well. Populate tblBody
however you like, then populate tblHeader with one row. That row should have
the same number of cells stretching horizontally that a single row in
tblBody has. This solution does require a little bit of javascript, but I
couldn't find a solution simply using divs or any other html tag.

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