SelectedIndexChangedEvent not raising



We cannabalized a javascript that enables a web-form dropdown box to function
like a winform dropdown box.

Let's say you want to find Steven. In a winform dropdown list, you type
"Ste" and you are on Steven. Press enter or tab, and away you go to the next
form field. But in a webform, when you type ste it does three things. First
it take you to Sam, then to Tammy, and finally to Eba. The script at the
bottom of this e-mail causes a webform dropdown to work like the first
example, a winform, not the second, a webform. Great!

Here is the problem. With this script it appears that the
dropdown_selectedIndexChanged event never gets raised. I need both the
modified functionality and the raised event to occur. The script follows for
your perusal.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Public Shared Sub sbListFind(ByRef pgPage As System.Web.UI.Page)

Dim Script As New System.Text.StringBuilder
'Dim ClientID As String = ListControl.ClientID

With Script
.Append("<script language='javascript'>")
.Append("var toFind = ''; ")
.Append("var timeoutID = ''; ")
.Append("timeoutInterval = 250; ")
.Append("var timeoutCtr = 0; ")
.Append("var timeoutCtrLimit = 3 ; ")
.Append("var oControl = ''; ")

.Append("function listbox_onkeypress(){")

.Append("oControl = window.event.srcElement;")

.Append("var keycode = window.event.keyCode;")
.Append("if(keycode >= 32 ){")
.Append("var c = String.fromCharCode(keycode);")
.Append("c = c.toUpperCase(); ")
.Append("toFind += c ; ")
.Append("find(); ")
.Append("timeoutID = window.setInterval('idle()', timeoutInterval);

.Append("function listbox_onblur(){")

.Append("function idle(){")
.Append("timeoutCtr += 1;")
.Append("if(timeoutCtr > timeoutCtrLimit){")
.Append("timeoutCtr = 0;")

.Append("function resetToFind(){")
.Append("toFind = '';")

.Append("function find(){")
.Append("var allOptions = document.all.item(;")

.Append("for (i=0; i < allOptions.length; i++){")
.Append("nextOptionText = allOptions(i).text.toUpperCase();")

.Append("if(!isNaN(nextOptionText) && !isNaN(toFind) ){")
.Append("nextOptionText *= 1; ")
.Append("toFind *= 1;")

'// Does the next item match exactly what the user typed?
.Append("if(toFind == nextOptionText){")
'// OK, we can stop at this option. Set focus here
.Append("oControl.selectedIndex = i;")
.Append("window.event.returnValue = false;")

'// If the string does not match exactly, find which two entries it
should be between.
.Append("if(i < allOptions.length-1){")

'// If we are not yet at the last listbox item, see if the search
string comes between the current
'// entry and the next one. If so, place the selection there.

.Append("lookAheadOptionText = allOptions(i+1).text.toUpperCase() ;")
.Append("if( (toFind > nextOptionText) && (toFind <
lookAheadOptionText) ){")
.Append("oControl.selectedIndex = i+1;")
.Append("window.event.cancelBubble = true;")
.Append("window.event.returnValue = false;")
.Append("} ")


'// If we are at the end of the entries and the search string is
still higher
'// than the entries, select the last entry

.Append("if(toFind > nextOptionText){")
.Append("oControl.selectedIndex = allOptions.length-1; ")
.Append("window.event.cancelBubble = true;")
.Append("window.event.returnValue = false;")
.Append("} ")
.Append("} ")
.Append("} ")

End With

pgPage.RegisterStartupScript("ListControl", Script.ToString())
End Sub


That code is extremely ugly. do you mind posting what the complete
outputs is. Including the control that is not supposedly triggering
properly ?


The output is merely a selected member of a webform dropdown list. The
dropdown list sends keystrokes to the javascript each time that a key is
pressed (On keypress). When the dropdown list loses focus (On Blur) it finds
the current member of the dropdown list and sets it to that item.

At that point, I expect the "SelectedIndexChanged" event to be raised so
that it can be handled by a subroutine. That subroutine is never entered.
Therefore, I assume that the event is not being raised.

This script can be used by any dropdown by adding an attribute: Here are

ddlCompanys.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "listbox_onkeypress()")
ddlCompanys.Attributes.Add("onblur", "listbox_onblur()")
ddlCategories.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "listbox_onkeypress()")
ddlCategories.Attributes.Add("onblur", "listbox_onblur()")

I hope that clarifies what we are doing.

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