Setter Propertys' mro?



Whats the mro (method resolution order) of a setter property (__set__
on a descriptor).
i seem to be experiencing some weird issue with them.
for example
.... def _test(self):
.... return 4
.... def _stest(self):pass # dont change value
.... def _dtest(self,value):pass
.... p=property(_test,_stest,_dtest)5

Why is that being 'overridden' ( by that i mean that it is storing
that value in t's __dict__)
{'t': 5}

why DIDNT the setter get hit?
however, if i specify the metaclass in the class definition it works
just fine...

class test:
def _test(self):
return 4
def _stest(self,value):pass # dont change value
def _dtest(self):pass

why do i have to set the __metaclass__ ? this seems like a bug?
i know that i probably shouldn't worry about this because if a
programmer does want to set my value and it causes an error, thats his
problem.... but this bothers me. whats the point of the __set__ method

Thanks in advanced.

Tommy Grav

Whats the mro (method resolution order) of a setter property (__set__
on a descriptor).
i seem to be experiencing some weird issue with them.
for example

You have to use class test(object). Only new style classes accepts


Steven D'Aprano

Whats the mro (method resolution order) of a setter property (__set__ on
a descriptor).
i seem to be experiencing some weird issue with them. for example

Unless you're using Python 3, there's your problem right there. In Python
2.x, properties only work correctly for new style classes, not classic
classes. Change the above line to:

class Test(object): # by convention, classes start with Uppercase.

and all should work (or at least you'll discover new and exciting
different problems with your code).

however, if i specify the metaclass in the class definition it works
just fine...

class test:

which is more or less the same as inheriting from object, except uglier.


Unless you're using Python 3, there's your problem right there. In Python
2.x, properties only work correctly for new style classes, not classic
classes. Change the above line to:

class Test(object):  # by convention, classes start with Uppercase.

and all should work (or at least you'll discover new and exciting
different problems with your code).

which is more or less the same as inheriting from object, except uglier.

Thanks to both of you!! that solved it.
i wonder why the getters would work fine though??
neways, wtf do i care :)

again, thank you both.


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