simple folder search


Ken Saunders

Below is the script I've been working on. I know theres something
wrong with it but can't find it for the life of me. I've made some
changes to tighen up the logic. Can someone help me get this running.
Its supposed to search my all of my files and return a page with the
matchs. I had this working as an html file and a cgi but when I tried
to merge the two it go broken. Thanks everyone

# Ken Saunders
#itc 216
#assignment 3
#this perl script displays a search form, and searchs for matchs on
html files

use strict;
use File::Find;
use CGI;

#variable - query
my $query = param("query");

# There's nothing in the query string
if ($query eq '')
print header();
print start_html();

# Displays the search form
print q(<form action="./assign_3.cgi" method="post">);
print q(<input type="text" name="query" size="50" />);
print q(<input type="submit" />);
print q(</form>);

print end_html();

# Bail out early if there are no results to print

#$filePath = $File::Find::name;
#$filePath =~

#prints the header wiht the query name in an ordered list
print header();
print start_html();
print "\n<p>For the query $query, these results were
undef $/;

find( sub
return if($_ =~ /^\./);
return unless($_ =~ /\.html/i);
stat $File::Find::name;
return if -d;
return unless -r;

open(FILE, "< $File::Find::name") or return;
my $string = <FILE>;
close (FILE);

return unless ($string =~ /\Q$query\E/i);
my $page_title = $_;
if ($string =~ /<title>(.*?)<\/title>/is)
$page_title = $1;
print "<li><a href=\"$File::Find::name\">$page_title</a></li>\n";

print "</ol>\n";
print end_html();

Ken Saunders

Do your own homework.


I am doing my own homework. If you look carefully you'll see the
code. Its called asking for help when you get stuck, besides reading,
doing and asking questions are how you learn. I happen to be stuck.

Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Ken Saunders:
Below is the script I've been working on. I know theres something
wrong with it but can't find it for the life of me. I've made some
changes to tighen up the logic. Can someone help me get this running.
Its supposed to search my all of my files and return a page with the
matchs. I had this working as an html file and a cgi but when I tried
to merge the two it go broken. Thanks everyone

It would help if you said in which way it went broken.
# Ken Saunders
#itc 216
#assignment 3
#this perl script displays a search form, and searchs for matchs on
#html files

use strict;
use File::Find;
use CGI;

#variable - query
my $query = param("query");

# There's nothing in the query string
if ($query eq '')
print header();
print start_html();

# Displays the search form
print q(<form action="./assign_3.cgi" method="post">);
print q(<input type="text" name="query" size="50" />);
print q(<input type="submit" />);
print q(</form>);

print end_html();

# Bail out early if there are no results to print

#$filePath = $File::Find::name;
#$filePath =~

#prints the header wiht the query name in an ordered list
print header();
print start_html();
print "\n<p>For the query $query, these results were
undef $/;

find( sub
return if($_ =~ /^\./);
return unless($_ =~ /\.html/i);
stat $File::Find::name;
return if -d;
return unless -r;

This is wrong, although by accident it works. A file test operator works
on $_ when you ommit its parameter. In the File::Find callback, $_ is
just the filename, $File::Find::name is the absolute path.

The above 'stat' will set the current stat buffer to the special token
'_' (same is true for any file test operator). File test operators can
work on those, but yours wont. You have three separate stat() calls: One
on $File::Find::name, and two on $_. File::Find::find() changes into
each directory by default, so those two are equivalent in this context.
So you may just write:

return if -d or ! -r _;

Also note that you never need stat() when all you want is executing some
file test operators.
open(FILE, "< $File::Find::name") or return;
my $string = <FILE>;
close (FILE);

return unless ($string =~ /\Q$query\E/i);
my $page_title = $_;
if ($string =~ /<title>(.*?)<\/title>/is)
$page_title = $1;
print "<li><a href=\"$File::Find::name\">$page_title</a></li>\n";

Here's the problem: find() expects a directory (or a list thereof) as
second argument. You're passing it a file (unless of course you have a
directory named 'page1.html'). Pass it a proper directory and I would
expect your script to produce the desired results.


Michele Dondi

Sherm Pendley said:
Do your own homework.

Well, he was honest enough to point out it is homework. And he didn't
ask for us to do it for him. He did it, instead, and only asks for
some help, which is legitimate, IMHO.


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