Spaces in empty input field


Malo Rox

Hi NG!

I have a very unbelieveable 'error'...


<input type="password" name="passwortEins" id="passwortEins"
style="width:300px" value="" /></td>
When having a look at the page I get an input field that's not empty. It
seems that there are 6 spaces as value. Does someone have an idea how to fix
it?Doesn't matter if FF or IE.Thanks a lotMalo


Hi NG!

I have a very unbelieveable 'error'...


<input type="password" name="passwortEins" id="passwortEins"
style="width:300px" value="" /></td>
When having a look at the page I get an input field that's not empty.
It seems that there are 6 spaces as value. Does someone have an idea
how to fix it?Doesn't matter if FF or IE.Thanks a lotMalo

Re password inputs: "Note that the current value is the text entered by
the user, not the text rendered by the user agent."

Malo Rox

Neredbojias said:
Re password inputs: "Note that the current value is the text entered by
the user, not the text rendered by the user agent."

Thanks a lot. Strange thing, but it works like you told me :)


Jukka K. Korpela

Malo said:
Thanks a lot. Strange thing, but it works like you told me :)

I wonder what really happened, and you supplied no URL, but the odds are
that when you enter a page with a "password" input field, your browser
automatically fills in data that you had provided on some page containing a
"password" input field with the same name. This might be taken as a useful
feature, or as a serious security risk, or a combination thereof.

For a more detailed analysis, some facts (URL, browser(s) used) are needed.

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