State design pattern proliferation issue




I am currently working on a finite state machine framework and the use
of the command and state design patterns (as well as some other ones
obviously) has come up naturally.

So, the state design pattern seems to be the most logical solution to a
state dependent system. The problem is that most of the examples,
tutorials, discussions and books (the GOF book and the Head First
Design Patterns) I have read on this pattern only use a very small
number of states. What happens when your system can be modeled with
hundreds of states for example?

One such occasion is when there is a number of variables (or degrees of
freedom, or whatever you want to call them) the system has to get from
the user. If I create a state for each variable then it becomes obvious
that the number of states grows very rapidly.

For example if the system has variables A, B and C then you could have
the following states:




and all the transitions between them.

Any thoughts?

PS: How do you go about extending the pattern in order to allow for the
system to be in multiple states at the same time?



I am currently working on a finite state machine framework and the use
of the command and state design patterns (as well as some other ones
obviously) has come up naturally.

So, the state design pattern seems to be the most logical solution to a
state dependent system. The problem is that most of the examples,
tutorials, discussions and books (the GOF book and the Head First
Design Patterns) I have read on this pattern only use a very small
number of states. What happens when your system can be modeled with
hundreds of states for example?

IMHO the pattern becomes a poor choice.

Either that, or you use multiple independent
state machines.


Ed Kirwan


I am currently working on a finite state machine framework and the use
of the command and state design patterns (as well as some other ones
obviously) has come up naturally.
For example if the system has variables A, B and C then you could have
the following states:




and all the transitions between them.

Any thoughts?

The, "State," of the, "State pattern," shouldn't reflect the bit-by-bit
representation of your system. The states should encapsulate useful
chunks of your system's behaviour, where all those chunks have a similar
interface. You can then, of course, form a hierarchy of states to get
down to the nitty-gritty.

What is your system? Is it an application/J2EE monster/servlet?

If, for example, your system is a servlet, and your customers are to
select a product to buy on one page, then credit card information on the
next, then a shipping address, then a, "Congratulations," screen, then
here straight away are four, high-level states.

The first state will be ProductSelectionState: this state will show all
your goods and a means of selecting one (or more) - this certainly won't
be a number of different states, each one representing the possibility
to select an individual item.

The second state will be CreditCardProcessingState, which will allow the
client to type in all information in all its fields, and will let him
know when any fields are unfilled or incorrect - it will not be a
separate state for each field.


If memory serves, GoF give the example of a Socket: and that's fine for
defining a socket's behaviour; but if you're trying to design a system,
then you'll certainly end up with, "Bigger," states, and most likely
hierarchies of states.
PS: How do you go about extending the pattern in order to allow for the
system to be in multiple states at the same time?

Hmm, I suppose the closest thing I can think of here is that hierarchy
again. Given the example above, a higher state could be DataEntryState,
who's two children are CreditCardProcessingState and
PersonalInformationState. This way your system is in the DataEntryState
at one level and also in the PersonalInformationState at another,
without contradiction.

Unless you've nudged into the realm of quantum computing, that is, in
which case one state should take care of everything, simultaneously (as
long as you don't try to observe it).

Thomas Weidenfeller

What happens when your system can be modeled with
hundreds of states for example?

The state-pattern approach blows up, rapidly. It just does not scale.

At that point people go back to the trusted and tried way of
representing the current state of a state machine by using a simple
integer or enum.
One such occasion is when there is a number of variables (or degrees of
freedom, or whatever you want to call them) the system has to get from
the user. If I create a state for each variable then it becomes obvious
that the number of states grows very rapidly.

Now you are mixing up things. You don't have a "state for each
variable". In your own example you have a state for each possible
combination of the variables (which are themselves boolean). And this is
what your state-pattern approach blows out of the water. The possible
combinations, and thus the required number of classes explode.
Any thoughts?

Do it the classic way.
PS: How do you go about extending the pattern in order to allow for the
system to be in multiple states at the same time?

What do you mean exactly? A system with multiple independent states?
Multiple independent state machines.

Or a system with multiple, but dependent states? Then this is logically
one big state machine. Depending on the coupling of the states it might
be possible to break down the big state machine in a couple of smaller
ones, and using superstates to decide which one is currently active.



The fact that it does not scale is my problem exactly.

Obviously nobody wants to reinvent the wheel. You wouldn't want to
model the actual hardware (memory) state in your application by
following a "one variable one state" approach.

But what I'm talking about is not _one_ application. I'm talking about
a framework that will allow the development of applications that will
have states and some kind of information discovery associated with each
one of them. One extra contraint is that, unlike a classic web app, the
flow is not predefined. You could actually fill multiple variables at a
time. When you design a web page you set the rules. You say: "here the
user enters their phone number". This is not the case here.

Anyway, I guess the pattern works for problems with a few states. Lots
of states make it intractable...

Chris Uppal

But what I'm talking about is not _one_ application. I'm talking about
a framework that will allow the development of applications that will
have states and some kind of information discovery associated with each
one of them. One extra contraint is that, unlike a classic web app, the
flow is not predefined. You could actually fill multiple variables at a
time. When you design a web page you set the rules. You say: "here the
user enters their phone number". This is not the case here.

I've never been wildly impressed by the State pattern when used -- as its name
would seem to encourage -- to implement state machines. Typically, if an app
has a small, fixed number of "states" then there is little or nothing to be
gained by pulling the "stateness" of it out into a separate abstraction.
Objects are already the ideal tool for managing and expressing changing state,
so why do we need /another/ object ?

OTOH, if the set of states is not small, or is calculated dynamically, or is
otherwise not easy to hardwire, then a table-driven approach seems more
feasible than the State pattern.

In this case, you might benefit from a complete re-think of your underlying
abstraction (which is not to say junk hundreds of thousands of lines of code,
but change the way you think about how things work together).

I don't know your application, but one possible replacement abstraction would
be a system of "gates" and "conditions" -- each gate would own a list of
conditions, and the user would only be allowed to pass through a gate when s/he
had satisfied all the relevant conditions (e.g. supplying a certain value in a
form). You could make that linear (or tree-shaped) so that the user advanced
down a pre-determined sequence of gates. Alternatively you could remove that
sequence and just consider the user to have "passed through" all the gates with
conditions that have all been satisfied, and were thus s/he is allowed to
perform any of the actions controlled by those gates. Or maybe a hybrid system
when some sets of gates form a sequence, whereas others work indeterminately.
Or perhaps passing though some gates would deactivate others (e.g. pressing
the final OK means you can't go back and add to the sopping cart).

I have no idea whether any of the previous paragraph makes any real sense for
the class of applications you are considering. Even if it does, I really mean
it only as an illustration of how reformulating the way you think about a
problem can remove apparently insurmountable problems.

(And also as a small illustration of how design /precedes/ Patterns. You
don't design by selecting from a palette of Patterns; you design by choosing
apt and implement abstractions. You /then/, if you want, look for
well-known Patterns in that design, since that may make it easier for you to
communicate aspects of the /implementation/ of your abstraction.)

-- chris

Patricia Shanahan


I am currently working on a finite state machine framework and the use
of the command and state design patterns (as well as some other ones
obviously) has come up naturally.

So, the state design pattern seems to be the most logical solution to a
state dependent system. The problem is that most of the examples,
tutorials, discussions and books (the GOF book and the Head First
Design Patterns) I have read on this pattern only use a very small
number of states. What happens when your system can be modeled with
hundreds of states for example?

One such occasion is when there is a number of variables (or degrees of
freedom, or whatever you want to call them) the system has to get from
the user. If I create a state for each variable then it becomes obvious
that the number of states grows very rapidly.

For example if the system has variables A, B and C then you could have
the following states:




and all the transitions between them.

Any thoughts?

PS: How do you go about extending the pattern in order to allow for the
system to be in multiple states at the same time?

I think you should consider refactoring the state machine representation
before mapping it into classes and objects.

A large state machine, especially when the system has components with
their own states, is usually more tractable decomposed into a hierarchy
of interacting state machines.

If you do that decomposition, the state machine hierarchy will naturally
map into an object hierarchy in which a system state object has several
objects representing states of subsystems. has a quick
introduction, with diagrams, that may help.

See search terms such as "statechart", and "hierarchy" or
"decomposition" in combination with "state machine".


Martin Gregorie

Chris said:
OTOH, if the set of states is not small, or is calculated dynamically, or is
otherwise not easy to hardwire, then a table-driven approach seems more
feasible than the State pattern.
Yes, this works well. I've used it to define and implement sliding
window protocols for handling sequentially numbered messages. This
approach is easy to implement and, as a bonus, once you get your mind
around it, defining the state machine is easy too.

I've also implemented FSM design tools for this approach. This is very
easy if you can predefine the number of variables used to select cells
in the FSM table and lends itself to the development of an interactive
FSM editor: I did that using a 4GL but it should be fairly straight
forward in Java. The benefit of doing this is that the evolving design
is easy to modify interactively, it can be printed for inspection and
its also possible to automate FSM validation (e.g. completeness checks).

Generating an automatic test harness from the database is quite easy
too. FSM code generation shouldn't be too difficult, either, though I
never went there. Both would, of course, probably need handcrafted
interfacing code and FSM action modules, but the ability to generate
test cases and the main FSM logic is still very useful.


Patricia said:
I think you should consider refactoring the state machine representation
before mapping it into classes and objects.

A large state machine, especially when the system has components with
their own states, is usually more tractable decomposed into a hierarchy
of interacting state machines.

If you do that decomposition, the state machine hierarchy will naturally
map into an object hierarchy in which a system state object has several
objects representing states of subsystems. has a quick
introduction, with diagrams, that may help.

See search terms such as "statechart", and "hierarchy" or
"decomposition" in combination with "state machine".


If you're looking for opportunism, consider a rule base system

State machines become pretty hard to debug, or conceptualize once you
have more than a handful of states. You generally have to write some
kind of language to model it, and java is probably a better language,
with more support.

Thomas Weidenfeller

The fact that it does not scale is my problem exactly.

And it will not scale. It is inherent to the pattern that each state is
represented by an own class. Many states therefore means many classes.
Many classes means it becomes rapidly unmanageable. Game over.

Logical conclusion: Drop the concept of each state being a separate class.
But what I'm talking about is not _one_ application.

And what are you talking about. Because you are not making clear what
you really want.
I'm talking about
a framework that will allow the development of applications that will
have states and some kind of information discovery associated with each
one of them.

So? There is nothing special about that. People build state machines
since ages. With toolkits, with description languages, with code
generators, by hand or with a mixture of methods. With and without
existing frameworks. And definitely not only for one application.
One extra contraint is that, unlike a classic web app, the
flow is not predefined.

What flow? I wish you wouldn't invent your own terminology. Do you mean
a sequence of events? That one is never predefined. It is up to the
state machine implementation to determine if a particular sequence of
events is valid or illegal.

Ed Kirwan

Thomas said:
And it will not scale. It is inherent to the pattern that each state is
represented by an own class. Many states therefore means many classes.
Many classes means it becomes rapidly unmanageable. Game over.

Going OT here; particularly, I'm not dealing with the state pattern
here, just normal, OO class development.

I like scaling problems. I find the whole scaling issue poorly
documented, though I admit that I've only Googled, and I'm sure there
are wonderful, (for me) undiscovered academic papers out there (if any
one has a link, please drop it). I find particularly that there are many
dimensions to scaling: scaling of performance, scaling of complexity,
scaling of client base, etc.

I think what you're referring to here, Thomas, is scaling of complexity
(please correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think, however, that the
sentence, "Many classes means it becomes rapidly unmanageable," is
necessarily true. At least I hope it's not.

What would you say to this proposal: The more functionality an OO system
has, the more classes it has.

I think that's generally true, but if so, then, by your thesis, it must
necessarily arrive at an unmanageable state. This is depressing.

I think a good rule-of-thumb for complexity scaling is this: if you can
add behaviour X without necessarily impacting system metric Y, then your
system scales with Y. (I'm assuming here both that adding behaviour
means adding complexity, and that this complexity is the beast which OO
was born to fight - fire at will at both assumptions.)

If we take that metric Y to be, "Number of classes in the system," then
I think most (if not all) systems fail to scale when adding behaviour.

I think this is why hierarchical name spaces are so great, as they give
levels in which scaling can be investigated.

If I have an MVC system, I might define name spaces model, view, and
controller, in which all other name spaces and classes are contained.
These three name spaces can, sort-of, be said to be at level 0. A name
space contained within model can then, for example, be said to be at
level 1.

So is a level 1 name space. is a level 2 name
space, etc.

Viewed using such hierarchical name spaces, we could define metric Y to
be, "The number of name spaces at level 0;" and according to this, the
system would scale with added behaviour, as the added behaviour would
undoubtedly go into some name space at a higher level.

Indeed, even ignoring levels, and just viewing the entire hierarchy as a
whole yields precious results. Defining metric Y to be, "Number of name
spaces in the system," we may also find that, most of the time, as
adding behaviour X only adds classes to existing name spaces, the system
does indeed scale with Y.

This is not frivolous. If class are logically encapsulated within name
spaces, then name space names will tell a good deal about the
encapsulated behaviour; and so a casual glance at a system's
hierarchical name space will indeed offer useful information about which
name spaces hold which behaviours; surely this is a material value in
the war on complexity.

So, to sum up a fairly pointless ramble, I'd like to think that we have
the tools that cause the statement, "Many classes means it becomes
rapidly unmanageable," to collapse.

But I might be wrong ...

Thomas Weidenfeller

Ed said:
I like scaling problems. I find the whole scaling issue poorly
documented, though I admit that I've only Googled, and I'm sure there
are wonderful, (for me) undiscovered academic papers out there (if any
one has a link, please drop it). I find particularly that there are many
dimensions to scaling: scaling of performance, scaling of complexity,
scaling of client base, etc.

I think what you're referring to here, Thomas, is scaling of complexity
(please correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think, however, that the
sentence, "Many classes means it becomes rapidly unmanageable," is
necessarily true. At least I hope it's not.

What would you say to this proposal: The more functionality an OO system
has, the more classes it has.

I think that's generally true, but if so, then, by your thesis, it must
necessarily arrive at an unmanageable state. This is depressing.

You ignored one particular property in your argumentation: Dependencies.

In a well designed OO application you have sub-systems which operate
relatively independent from other systems. Each sub-system is only
concerned with a relatively small aspect of the whole system's
operation. You might have thousands of classes in a large system, but
since each sub-system is manageable, you whole system is still manageable.

But, in the state pattern issue you end up with a boatload of classes
which only as a whole make up the state machine. They are not
independent. They are a big ball of mud. With each class (alias state)
which you add, you get number-of-events new possible (not necessarily
legal) state transitions, and you have to potentially revise
number-of-events times number-of-existing-states old possible (not
necessarily legal) state transitions.

When you maintain such a state machine you are presented with a list of
classes (in Java possibly as much files, if you use public classes).
That list does not give you any clue about the nature of the particular
state machine they form. You don't see the interaction, a core property
of a state machine, from the classes. One can argue that the state
pattern is not a good OO model of a state machine, since it neglects an
important property of the thing which it models. A consequence one can't
make up a (mental) 1:1 mapping of what one wants/needs to implement to
how and where it needs to be implemented. This makes maintenance harder.
And it gets harder with each additional state.
I think a good rule-of-thumb for complexity scaling is this: if you can
add behaviour X without necessarily impacting system metric Y, then your
system scales with Y.

See above. Adding a state can potentially affect the whole state
machine, which is composed of all the existing state classes (plus a
context). Changing a state has the same effect.


Chris Uppal

Ed said:
I think what you're referring to here, Thomas, is scaling of complexity
(please correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think, however, that the
sentence, "Many classes means it becomes rapidly unmanageable," is
necessarily true. At least I hope it's not.

Well, of course, as the amount of code (or equivalently up to linear factors --
one hopes!) the functionality increases, then one is always going to hit a
brick wall sooner or later. I assume that the number of classes will scale
linearly with the amount of code. For any "difficulty metric", that metric
will increase with the amount of code, and hence with the number of classes.
We all know and use techniques which -- we trust and believe -- will keep the
relationship sub-linear, but I doubt very much whether there can ever be a way
of making the relationship /flat/ (and if there is, then why not a way to make
the relationship negative -- so that the difficulty metric decreases as
complexity increases ?).

But still, I suspect that Thomas meant something much more specific about the
classes used in a State pattern. That's what /I/ would have meant anyway.

If you try to implement a non-trivial state machine as an application of the
State Pattern, then you end up with large (by definition) numbers of very
closely related (by design) classes. There may be little or no /formal/
coupling between them, but in fact they form a rat's nest of highly
interdependent cross references. And you hit a comprehension barrier almost

For instance modelling state transition graph of a simple network application
might give:
Loggng In
Logged In
Loggin out
Logged out
and that might be perfectly feasible to implement with the State Pattern. But
if it /is/ perfectly feasible, then the State Pattern isn't buying you a lot
compared with just embedding the knowledge of the current state (not "State")
into the code itself (or even into the /structure/ of the code).

But if the state mesh is complicated -- for instance even a simple lexical
analyser -- then the number of states, and the relationships between the
classes which implement them, become unmanageable. Part of it is just the
difficulty of working with large state meshes by hand, but another part of it
is dealing with the /representation/ of that state mesh as classes. Finding
names for them is a challenge all by itself.

As an example (not using the State Pattern but still with a hand-coded state
machine expressed using "normal" OO techniques rather than table-driven). A
year or two ago I made the mistake of coding a tokeniser for a language (with
fairly simple syntax) by hand. I represented each state as a method, the
current "state" was invoked for each input character, and as it executed it
would change the state and/or consume the input. I'm fairly happy thinking in
terms of state machines (more so than most programmers), and that seemed a
natural way to express the solution. It was (and is) a disaster. I can hardly
modify it myself, and I doubt it anyone else would even be able to understand
it at all. There are (only) about 40 states. Some are quite simple
<inInteger>, <inMantissa>, <inString>, and so on. They don't cause the
problems, it's the 30 or so more intricate states such as
<seenExponenetLetterAfterInteger>, <seenLeadingMinusInArray>,
<seenTrailingMinusAfterBinaryOperaror>, and the relationships between them,
that make the thing incomprehensible.

The language I was using allows me to refer to methods directly (as first class
values, assignable to a variable). That representation would be impossible in
Java; the nearest equivalent would be an application of the State Pattern. And
that also would be a disaster ;-)

-- chris


Chris said:
I've never been wildly impressed by the State pattern when used -- as its name
would seem to encourage -- to implement state machines. Typically, if an app
has a small, fixed number of "states" then there is little or nothing to be
gained by pulling the "stateness" of it out into a separate abstraction.
Objects are already the ideal tool for managing and expressing changing state,
so why do we need /another/ object ?

It can be extremely useful to associate actions
with particular state transitions.

Commonly, it is useful to define
actions either for ALL transitions
from a state, or ALL transitions to a state.

One might (for example) have a cache
object, with states LIVE, NEARLINE, FARLINE, ARCHIVE.

One could (choose to) compress the associated
data on any status transition to ARCHIVE, regardless of source status,
and decompress the associated data on transitions from ARCHIVE.

It's a very natural way of expressing things.


Ed Kirwan

Chris said:
As an example (not using the State Pattern but still with a hand-coded state
machine expressed using "normal" OO techniques rather than table-driven). A
year or two ago I made the mistake of coding a tokeniser for a language (with
fairly simple syntax) by hand. I represented each state as a method, the
current "state" was invoked for each input character, and as it executed it
would change the state and/or consume the input. I'm fairly happy thinking in
terms of state machines (more so than most programmers), and that seemed a
natural way to express the solution. It was (and is) a disaster. I can hardly
modify it myself, and I doubt it anyone else would even be able to understand
it at all. There are (only) about 40 states. Some are quite simple
<inInteger>, <inMantissa>, <inString>, and so on. They don't cause the
problems, it's the 30 or so more intricate states such as
<seenExponenetLetterAfterInteger>, <seenLeadingMinusInArray>,
<seenTrailingMinusAfterBinaryOperaror>, and the relationships between them,
that make the thing incomprehensible.

-- chris


If I remember correctly, one of the discussions in GoF concerns whether
each state should, itself, specify the next state which the system
should enter, or whether each there should be a central table, mapping
each state to the next.

Someone else in the thread, also, mentions tables as a sort-of
alternative to the State pattern, though states and tables are hardly
not mutually exclusive.

Do you think, Chris, that the table approach helps at all? This way, you
can at least see, in one place, the transitions from all states. Does
this side-step the, "rat's nest of highly interdependent cross references?"

Also, given your fine example above of the tokeniser, would this have
been less complicated if you'd not used the State pattern and had, as
you mention, just, "embedd(ed) the knowledge of the current state (not
"State") into the code itself (or even into the /structure/ of the code)?"

Don't get me wrong: I do think agree with you and the excellent Mister
Weidenfeller, and think the well-intentioned State pattern a little ...


Ed said:
the well-intentioned State pattern a little naieve.

It is great for what is intended for which is just what
several on this thread dismissed. Just last week my
group implement two state machines using the state pattern, some very
nice double dispatch and good use of base State class all to implement a
wire protocol. The 2nd sate machine was a server for testing the client.

Curiously I believe GOF has just such a simple protocol as their example.

Sure when the states get beyond something you might draw on 1 page,
then you probably need a different pattern, but not using the State
pattern for the 3-20 state case (maybe more if there is a lot of shared
behavior) seems to me to be ignoring a very good pattern.


Chris Uppal

Ed said:
If I remember correctly, one of the discussions in GoF concerns whether
each state should, itself, specify the next state which the system
should enter, or whether each there should be a central table, mapping
each state to the next.

I've just been back to re-read the State entry in GoF, and your memory is
correct. It's worth noting that GoF /doesn't/ present the State Pattern as an
implementation technique for state machines, but as a technique for creating
objects with behaviour which changes over time (that changes its class, as they
put it)

Do you think, Chris, that the table approach helps at all? This way, you
can at least see, in one place, the transitions from all states. Does
this side-step the, "rat's nest of highly interdependent cross

For implementing state machines or for implementing the State Pattern ? For
the former almost certainly -- simply because it presents the data in a more
comprehensible form (and may be significantly more amenable to manipulation via
automated tools). For the latter, I'm not so sure. I've never tried it, but I
suspect that if an application of State Pattern were complicated enough to
benefit from factoring out the underlying state-mesh into a table, then it is
probably too complicated, period.

Also, given your fine example above of the tokeniser, would this have
been less complicated if you'd not used the State pattern and had, as
you mention, just, "embedd(ed) the knowledge of the current state (not
"State") into the code itself (or even into the /structure/ of the code)?"

In my case, definitely not. I have worked with hand-written scanners
structured as "normal code", which in this case means elaborate nested looping
constructions, and I know from experience that they are pure hell. Some people
seem to be able to manage them, but I know that /I/ quickly get out of my
depth. I choose the state-machine approach because I know that I can manage
scanner-like code a /lot/ more easily if I think in terms of state transitions
than if I think in terms of nested loops and breaks. YMMV.

Just BTW, and to round out the story: I have since switched to a completely
different approach. I now have a set of classes which explicitly model
classical FSAs (both deterministic and non-deterministic state machines). So I
have a web of State objects, modelling the abstract FSA, which drives the
scanner. The states are all of the same, rather trivial, class -- so this
isn't like the State Pattern. In point of fact I build my DFA dynamically from
the target language spec, but that's only because I rarely do anything
statically that I can get away with doing dynamically ;-) A programmer with
different prejudices would probably "compile" the language spec into a static
state-transition table (probably without explicit state objects) -- and, of
course, there are tools available to help one do that[*].

-- chris

([*] Such as YACC, ANTLR, and so on. I'm not using such a tool myself because
none of the available ones handle ambiguous tokenisation in the way I want.)

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