Tim Evers
though I'm some kind of experienced bug-hunter
I have no idea what
happens in the following case:
linux system, apache w. suexec, perl, graphviz (2.8).
A perl script calls the graphviz binary. This works perfectly in a console
but fails with a segfault when called under Apache/mod_cgi/perl
regardsless of suexec beeing active or not. All Apache limits are off,
ulimit ist set to unlimited, user is both the same.
This is a strace excerpt:
27137 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x400e5000
27137 read(3, "\ndigraph A {\ngraph [ clusterMode=\"local\" rankdir=\"LR\", ranksep=\"1\", bgcolor=\"#EDEDEE\"]\nnode [shape=record,style=filled,fontname=\"
Verdana\",fontsize=10,fontcolor=\"#8C0000\",color=\"#FF0000\",fillcolor=\"#EE"..., 4096) = 1882
27137 brk(0x8052000) = 0x8052000
27137 brk(0x8053000) = 0x8053000
27137 brk(0x8054000) = 0x8054000
27137 brk(0x8058000) = 0x8058000
27137 brk(0x8059000) = 0x8059000
27137 brk(0x805a000) = 0x805a000
27137 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
27137 +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
Executed on a console:
17162 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x400e5000
17162 read(3, "\ndigraph A {\ngraph [ clusterMode=\"local\" rankdir=\"LR\", ranksep=\"1\", bgcolor=\"#EDEDEE\"]\nnode [shape=record,style=filled,fontname=\"
Verdana\",fontsize=10,fontcolor=\"#8C0000\",color=\"#FF0000\",fillcolor=\"#EE"..., 4096) = 1882
17162 brk(0x8052000) = 0x8052000
17162 brk(0x8053000) = 0x8053000
17162 brk(0x8054000) = 0x8054000
17162 brk(0x8058000) = 0x8058000
17162 brk(0x8059000) = 0x8059000
17162 brk(0x805a000) = 0x805a000
17162 time(NULL) = 115099714
And here are the questions:
Does strace record the system call before or after the execution?
What may have happened here?
Any idea anyone?
though I'm some kind of experienced bug-hunter
happens in the following case:
linux system, apache w. suexec, perl, graphviz (2.8).
A perl script calls the graphviz binary. This works perfectly in a console
but fails with a segfault when called under Apache/mod_cgi/perl
regardsless of suexec beeing active or not. All Apache limits are off,
ulimit ist set to unlimited, user is both the same.
This is a strace excerpt:
27137 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x400e5000
27137 read(3, "\ndigraph A {\ngraph [ clusterMode=\"local\" rankdir=\"LR\", ranksep=\"1\", bgcolor=\"#EDEDEE\"]\nnode [shape=record,style=filled,fontname=\"
Verdana\",fontsize=10,fontcolor=\"#8C0000\",color=\"#FF0000\",fillcolor=\"#EE"..., 4096) = 1882
27137 brk(0x8052000) = 0x8052000
27137 brk(0x8053000) = 0x8053000
27137 brk(0x8054000) = 0x8054000
27137 brk(0x8058000) = 0x8058000
27137 brk(0x8059000) = 0x8059000
27137 brk(0x805a000) = 0x805a000
27137 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
27137 +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
Executed on a console:
17162 mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x400e5000
17162 read(3, "\ndigraph A {\ngraph [ clusterMode=\"local\" rankdir=\"LR\", ranksep=\"1\", bgcolor=\"#EDEDEE\"]\nnode [shape=record,style=filled,fontname=\"
Verdana\",fontsize=10,fontcolor=\"#8C0000\",color=\"#FF0000\",fillcolor=\"#EE"..., 4096) = 1882
17162 brk(0x8052000) = 0x8052000
17162 brk(0x8053000) = 0x8053000
17162 brk(0x8054000) = 0x8054000
17162 brk(0x8058000) = 0x8058000
17162 brk(0x8059000) = 0x8059000
17162 brk(0x805a000) = 0x805a000
17162 time(NULL) = 115099714
And here are the questions:
Does strace record the system call before or after the execution?
What may have happened here?
Any idea anyone?