Time complexity of qsort from the standard library



What is the time complexity of qsort from the standard library? Please
provide a reference.


Debanjan said:
It's same as the qsort you learn in data structure books.

That *cannot* be right. pg 34 of 'The Practice of Programming' says
"the runtime [of "just about the simplest implementation"] can grow
more like n^2".

If qsort is O(n^2), I could not have scored 100% for my solution to
Space Invaders (from the Australian Invitational Informatics Olympiad
2009) - I was presented with 10^5 motherships and I chose to sort them
by x-coordinate using qsort. The square of 10^5 is 10^10 - a computer
can only do 10^8 operations a second, meaning that my solution would
have time out'ed in a few of the final test cases and I would _not_
have scored 100%. The time complexity of qsort from the standard
library is _not_ the same as the one I see in material that discusses
data structures.

Actually, I'm unlikely to need the time complexity of qsort in the
standard library - just for gcc, as that is the one used on the
Australian Informatics Training site and the International Olympiad of

Keith Thompson

Debanjan said:
It's same as the qsort you learn in data structure books.

You're thinking of Quicksort. The standard doesn't specify what
algorithm qsort uses. The name "qsort" was almost certainly
inspired by the name "Quicksort", and I strongly suspect that
the first implementation, before it was standardized, did use the
Quicksort algorithm, but there are no guarantees.

A conforming C implementation could even use bubblesort or bogosort
for qsort() -- though it would be a very silly thing to do.

(It's probably safe to assume that most or all implementations use
some O(N log N) sorting algorithm.)

BGB / cr88192

Albert said:
What is the time complexity of qsort from the standard library? Please
provide a reference.

theoretically, it is whatever the hell the implementation wants it to be...

in practice, it is most likely to be O(n log2 n)


What is the time complexity of qsort from the standard library? Please
provide a reference.

Whatever the implementor wants it to be.

The reference is, of course, the requirements imposed by the standard on
the time complexity of qsort: Specifically, no paragraph, on no page,
of the standard. In total, it says: ""

As you can see, there is a bit of leeway for implementation preference



What is the time complexity of qsort from the standard library? Please
provide a reference.

If qsort() is implemented with the quicksort algorithm, then the worst
case performance is O(n^2), but unless the initial ordering is
pathalogically bad, it's O(n log n). Moreover, the exact number of
comparisons is less than other O(n log n) sorting algorithms in the
average case. Finally, quicksort with introspection can avoid the
worst case performance by switching to a known worst case O(n log n)
algorithm when it looks like the quicksort is going badly.


Albert said:
The time complexity of qsort from the standard library is _not_ the
same as the one I see in material that discusses data structures.

Actually, I'm unlikely to need the time complexity of qsort in the
standard library

The standard does not specify any specific sorting algorithm.
just for gcc

gcc does not provide qsort, glibc does.


The libc-help mailing list is the place to discuss glibc.




It's same as the qsort you learn in data structure books.

That *cannot* be right. pg 34 of 'The Practice of Programming' says
"the runtime [of "just about the simplest implementation"] can grow
more like n^2".

If qsort is O(n^2),

Quicksort (which may or may not be the algorithm used by the qsort()
function) is O(n^2) in the worst case, O(n.log(n)) in the typical case.

Quicksort requires choosing a pivot value to partition each sub-list. If
the partitioning is consistently uneven, the binary tree degenerates to a
linked list, i.e. the depth is O(n) rather than O(log(n)), resulting in
O(n^2) behaviour.

However, as the input gets larger, the probability of repeatedly choosing
bad pivots (and thus getting O(n^2) behaviour) decreases.

For any given input size n, there are n! possible orderings. Among these
orderings, the statistical distribution of run-times has a mean, median
and mode which are O(n.log(n)), but also has a long tail which doesn't
reach zero until O(n^2).

Improving the pivot selection (e.g. the median of three random values
rather than a single random value) will cause the tail to fall off
faster. You still get O(n^2) worst-case behaviour, but it becomes even
less likely.

Richard Tobin

Albert said:
What is the time complexity of qsort from the standard library? Please
provide a reference.

Ken Thompson supposedly said that if he were designing the Unix system
again, he'd spell "creat" with an "e" on the end. A better change
would be to spell "qsort" "sort". That it originally used quicksort
is just an implementation detail which should not have been reflected
in the name of the function.

-- Richard


It's same as the qsort you learn in data structure books.

Many library implementations are now introspective sort.
Of course, the standard library implementors are free to choose any
algorithm that they like.

His original question is equivalent to:
How fast is a fast animal?
Please prove your answer.


user923005 said:
His original question is equivalent to:
How fast is a fast animal?
Please prove your answer.

Not quite. I was hoping for something like:

"I've never seen a compiler provide an O(n^2) qsort", listing a few
references to compiler documentations, so qsort is probably O(nlogn)


Not quite. I was hoping for something like:

"I've never seen a compiler provide an O(n^2) qsort", listing a few
references to compiler documentations, so qsort is probably O(nlogn)

I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one compiler which provides unmodified
original quicksort, which is O(n^2) in bad cases. At this point, I wouldn't
own any hardware on which the operating system it ran under could even
be loaded, probably.


Dik T. Winter

> >
> > It's same as the qsort you learn in data structure books.
> That *cannot* be right. pg 34 of 'The Practice of Programming' says
> "the runtime [of "just about the simplest implementation"] can grow
> more like n^2".

That is worst case (e.g. the stuff is already sorted). However that is
extremely pessimistic compared to the mean.

James Kuyper

Albert said:
Not quite. I was hoping for something like:

"I've never seen a compiler provide an O(n^2) qsort",

Well, I can agree with that. I've never seen a compiler provide any kind
of qsort(). The standard library provides qsort(). Some standard library
functions (such as memcpy()) are often inlined by the compiler, but
qsort() isn't usually one of them. For this purpose, "implementation"
would be a better term than "compiler"; it includes the compiler, the
library, the linker, along with everything else you need to get a C
program to execute, including the supporting hardware and (if
applicable) the operating system.
... listing a few
references to compiler documentations, so qsort is probably O(nlogn)

Talking about "the" time complexity implies that there's only one time
complexity class allowed, in which case providing a supporting reference
would be possible only if was a reference to a part of the C standard
which said so. It would never have occurred to me, with your wording,
that you were aware that the complexity is not mandated, and were in
fact interested in an answer that only describes what common
implementations do.


Not quite. I was hoping for something like:

"I've never seen a compiler provide an O(n^2) qsort",

Have you read :
Bentley, Jon L., "The Trouble With Qsort.",
UNIX Review. 10.2 (1992): 85-90.

listing a few
references to compiler documentations, so qsort is probably O(nlogn)

Compilers generally do not document anything about their qsort
implementation other than the interface, which is documented in the
ANSI/ISO specifications anyway.

Some compilers do provide the source code for their implementation of

Many implementations of the qsort function use introspective sort.
Plauger's implementation is excellent.

Here is what you can say about the qsort function, without fear of

"Since the qsort function uses comparisons for ordering of the data
items, the best possible theoretical performance is O(log(N!)) which
is O(N*log(N))."
See, for instance:

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