UPDATED: Building 1.8.6-p36 with Sun Studio 12 compiler



All -
I have resolved most of the problems encountered during "make
check"; it seems the test runs do not honor LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so I had
to symlink the libraries for openssl, gdbm and ncurses to /lib, and
then my results look like this

Finished in 73.679603 seconds.

1) Failure:
test_delete(TestDBM) [./test/dbm/test_dbm.rb:332]:
<DBMError> exception expected but none was thrown.

2) Failure:
test_delete(TestGDBM) [./test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb:442]:
<GDBMError> exception expected but none was thrown.

3) Failure:
test_s_open_error(TestGDBM) [./test/gdbm/test_gdbm.rb:200]:
<Errno::EACCES> exception expected but none was thrown.

4) Failure:
test_should_propagate_signaled(TestBeginEndBlock) [./test/ruby/
<nil> expected but was

5) Failure:
test_s_open_error(TestSDBM) [./test/sdbm/test_sdbm.rb:123]:
<Errno::EACCES> exception expected but none was thrown.

6) Failure:
test_condvar_wait_not_owner(TC_Thread) [./test/thread/
<ThreadError> exception expected but none was thrown.

1618 tests, 16599 assertions, 6 failures, 0 errors
gmake: *** [test-all] Error 1

So it appears that most of the compiler warning messages are in fact
harmless. I would like to understand though why "--enable-pthread"
causes the backtrace error in eval.c:

"eval.c", line 4482: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 4517: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 4644: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 4702: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 5151: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 5614: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 5740: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 6251: identifier redeclared: backtrace
current : static function() returning unsigned long
previous: function(pointer to pointer to void, int)
returning int : "/usr/include/execinfo.h", line 41
"eval.c", line 8612: warning: loop not entered at top
"eval.c", line 12004: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 12446: warning: statement not reached
"eval.c", line 12818: warning: statement not reached
cc: acomp failed for eval.c
gmake: *** [eval.o] Error 2

It seems to modify the includes such that /usr/include/execinfo.h gets
included, when without the "--enable-pthread" it doesn't (or some
other define "hides" the definition of backtrace).

Mark Almeida

Ryan Davis

Please send reports like this to ruby-core, where they can make a
difference. Forwarding...

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