Valid Date



I want to use a Validator control to ensure a date field has a valid date in
it. I tried finding the ValidationExpression to use in a
RegularExpressionValidator but to no avail. If CustomValidator is the
solution, can I have a pointer to a good date validation example.

Thank you

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hello John,

As for date/time validation, if you want to do it on client-side, then
script is necessary. And based on my experience, in most cased, people will
chose to use regular expression for validate different kind of date/time
formats. for your scenario, you may need to determine what kind of format
you will allow in your form's input. Here are some existing regex
expressions for date/time validation:

#Date &Time patter in RegexLib

and if you do not use regex, you can manually get the data in html input
box and parse it as normal string to validate it. Here are some web
articles which has provide some sample code on validate date/time input
through javascript:

Hope this helps.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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Thank you for your response, the link were very helpful.

I am going with the client side JavaScript since it will work on all public
web client machines.

I am using the code from
in conjunction with a CustomValidator.

The usage example in MSDN Library uses VBScript on the client, but I am
having a problem translating to JS. Here is what I have currently:

<asp:TextBox Width=100 runat=server ID="txtDateOfEmploy" MaxLength="10"
Text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "dteDateOfEmploy",

<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator2" runat="server"
ValidateEmptyText=false ControlToValidate="txtDateOfEmploy"
ClientValidationFunction="ValidateDate" ErrorMessage=<%#
FormatValidationTitleE1(databinder.eval(container.dataitem, "strType")) & "
Date of Employment format is not valid. Should be a valid date with format:
MM/DD/YYYY" %>>*</asp:CustomValidator>

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDate(Source, clientside_arguments) {
var RegExPattern =
if ((clientside_arguments.value.match(RegExPattern)) &&
(clientside_arguments.value!='')) {
} else {

I think my problem resides in not knowing what exactly to return, if anything.

Thank you

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hello John,

I've done some research and here are some script code snippet that
works(actually it is picked modified from the regular expression
validator's client output code). Here is the script function and the html
elements on the test page:

function validate()
alert("validation started....");

var input = document.getElementById("txtInput").value;
var rx = new RegExp(document.getElementById("txtPattern").value);
var matches = rx.exec(input);

var result = (matches != null && input == matches[0]);

alert("result: " + result);

<form id="form1" runat="server">
Validation Pattern: <textarea name="txtPattern" id="txtPattern"
value="^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$" rows="3" cols="30" ></textarea>
<br />Input Data: <input type="text" name="txtInput" id="txtInput" />

<input type="button" value="do validation"
onclick="javascript:validate();" />

<br /><br /><br />
<hr /><br />
<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" />


I explicitly create a RegExp jscript object and assign the regular
expression(Pattern) into its constructor. and call its "exec" method
against the text (you want to validate) will return a matches list, you can
check whether it is null or whether the first item is your input text to
determine whether the vaildation succeed.

This works with some test regular expressions. However, for the patter
regex you provided, I always get validation failure, I'm not sure whether
there is any typo in the expression or if i haven't input the correct
datetime value :)

Anyway, hope this helps some.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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