Voluntary Abstract Base Classes


James Stroud

Daniel said:
Hi list,

Well, the short question is: what are they? I've read Guido's python
3000 status report on
http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=208549 where he
mentions ABC's but don't quite understand what the whole story is

Anyone has good use cases?


My interpretation of his description is that this is a way to check for
quack likes a duck behavior.

Say I want a function to check if something behaves like a slice, but
don't want to resort to checking for explicit inheritence, I might now
have to do something like (factoring out the checking):

def is_slice_like(candidate):
for att in 'start', 'stop', 'step', 'indices':
if not hasattr(candidate, att):
return False
return True

def doit(anarg):
if not is_slice_like(anarg):
raise Exception, 'Must give something like a slice.'

However, with an ABC, you could define what it means to be slice-like by
defining a slice-like ABC (e.g. SliceLike) and then virtually inheriting
from this ABC:

# assuming abstract inheritence syntax is the same as regular
class MySlice(SliceLike):
# etc.

def doit(anarg):
if not issubclass(anarg.__class__, SliceLike):
raise Exception, 'Must give something SliceLike.'

def main():
anarg = MySlice(1,2,3)

With ABCs, the concept of slice-like is more formalized and transparent
than the attribute checking done in is_slice_like and is far more
flexible than explicit type checking.

The concept seems to be borrowed from Java interfaces.

But I'm ready to be corrected on my interpretation.


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