white flashing while loading frameset


Daniel Grunow


i want to load a frameset on a page whith black coloured background.
While the browser(IE6 and FireFox1.0) loads the frames, the frame in
which the frameset loads all the stuff, flashes white, as long as the
frameset loads.
this doesnt looks nice. (black and white frames:( )

whats wrong?

Travis Newbury

Daniel said:
i want to load a frameset on a page whith black coloured background.
While the browser(IE6 and FireFox1.0) loads the frames, the frame in
which the frameset loads all the stuff, flashes white, as long as the
frameset loads.
this doesnt looks nice. (black and white frames:( )

whats wrong?

You mean besides the fact you are using frames? White is probalby the
default background color.

Daniel Grunow

Travis said:
You mean besides the fact you are using frames? White is probalby the
default background color.
but can i do something to change the default color to black?
this would be nice.



Daniel Grunow said:

i want to load a frameset on a page whith black coloured background.
While the browser(IE6 and FireFox1.0) loads the frames, the frame in
which the frameset loads all the stuff, flashes white, as long as the
frameset loads.
this doesnt looks nice. (black and white frames:( )

whats wrong?

Naturally. AS there is no conent being displayed.
The white is the default color of the USERS browser.
I have my default color as an offwhite, so that's what I see when the page
is loading.


but can i do something to change the default color to black?
No. It's off limits - default color can only be controlled by the user
(via a "settings" dialog or similar), or, in case of yucky browsers, not
at all.
this would be nice.
Imagine the following scenario: a page with black frames sets black as the
default background color in your browser. Then you go and visit a page
with black text which doesn't explicitly set the bg color, relying on it
being white (that's the default in most browsers). A page should never do
that, but in reality it's far from uncommon. Now what you'd get would be
black text on black background... that wouldn't be exactly nice.

Daniel Grunow

Mitja said:
No. It's off limits - default color can only be controlled by the user
(via a "settings" dialog or similar), or, in case of yucky browsers,
not at all.

The Solution:
You can set the backgroundColor in the Frameset via css like this:

<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" cols="*,978,*"

this is testet in IE6 and Firefox.

this setting is only temporarely of course.


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