wininet.dll, lastdllerror=6, what does it mean?

  • Thread starter Sjaakie Helderhorst
  • Start date

Sjaakie Helderhorst

Hi all,
I'm trying to create a class which handles FTP. Knowing little of classes
I'm having some trouble making things work. Also having trouble finding the
meaning of some error-codes. The code below results in a lastdllerror 6 (and
no transfer)... can't find what this error means and how to solve it (yes I
already tried google). Could someone please help me out?

This code should, on button-click, connect to ftp-server (, get
a file 'test.txt' from its root and store this file into 'c:\temp\test.txt'.
Result-string to 'label1'.
I created a class 'Ftp' to achieve this, without any luck sofar...

Thanks in advance!

### [ Class ]
Public Class Ftp

Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet" (ByRef hInet
As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" Alias
"InternetConnectA" (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, ByVal sServerName As
String, ByVal nServerPort As Integer, ByVal sUserName As String, ByVal
sPassword As String, ByVal lService As Long, ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal
lContext As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias
"InternetOpenA" (ByVal sAgent As String, ByVal lAccessType As Long, ByVal
sProxyName As String, ByVal sProxyBypass As String, ByVal lFlags As Long) As
Private Declare Function FtpGetFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alias
"FtpGetFileA" (ByVal hConnect As Long, ByVal lpszRemoteFile As String, ByVal
lpszNewFile As String, ByVal fFailIfExists As Long, ByVal
dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByRef dwContext As
Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function FtpPutFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alias
"FtpPutFileA" (ByVal hConnect As Long, ByVal lpszLocalFile As String, ByVal
lpszNewRemoteFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwContext As Long)
As Boolean
Private Declare Function InternetGetLastResponseInfo Lib "wininet.dll"
Alias "InternetGetLastResponseInfoA" (ByVal lpdwError As Long, ByVal
lpszBuffer As String, ByVal lpdwBufferLength As Long) As Boolean

Dim strServer, strLogin, strPassword As String
Dim INet, INetConn As Long

Property Server() As String
Return strServer
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
strServer = Value
End Set
End Property

Property Login() As String
Return strLogin
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
strLogin = Value
End Set
End Property

Property Password() As String
Return strPassword
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
strPassword = Value
End Set
End Property

Public Function showError()
Dim lErr As Long, sErr As String, lenBuf As Long
InternetGetLastResponseInfo(lErr, sErr, lenBuf)
sErr = lenBuf.ToString
InternetGetLastResponseInfo(lErr, sErr, lenBuf)
Return ("Error " + CStr(lErr) + ": " + sErr)
End Function

Public Sub openConnection()
INet = InternetOpen("AceGroup FTP", 0, vbNullString, vbNullString,
INetConn = InternetConnect(INet, Server, 21, Login, Password, 1, 0,
End Sub

Public Sub closeConnection()
INet = 0
INetConn = 0
End Sub

Public Function putFile(ByVal localFile As String, ByVal remoteFile As
String) As String
Dim result As String
If INet = 0 Then openConnection()
result = FtpPutFile(INetConn, localFile, remoteFile, 0,
Catch ex As Exception
result = ex.ToString()
End Try

Return result
End Function

Public Function getFile(ByVal remoteFile As String, ByVal localFile As
String) As String
Dim result As String
If INet = 0 Then openConnection()
result = FtpGetFile(INetConn, remoteFile, localFile, 0, 0, 1,
Catch ex As Exception
result = ex.ToString()
End Try

Return result
End Function

End Class

### [Webform]
[ ... ]
Dim cFtp As Ftp = New Ftp
Dim Result As String

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

cFtp.Server = ""
cFtp.Login = "[ my login ]"
cFtp.Password = "[ my pass ]"

Result = cFtp.getFile("test.txt", "c:\temp\test.txt")
' output result to label
label1.text = Result
End Sub

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