Writing move constructors and move assignment


Andrew Tomazos

Suppose I have a C interface as follows:

// create a new FOO
FOO* foo_open(int params);

// use FOO one or more times
void foo_bar(FOO*);

// destroy FOO

and I want to wrap that in a C++11 class.

class Foo
Foo(int params) : p(foo_open(params)) {}

void bar() { foo_bar(p); }

~Foo() { if (p) { foo_close(p); } }

FOO* p;

// Clearly Foo cannot be copied otherwise you will call foo_close
twice for the same handle
Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
Foo& operator= (const Foo&) = delete;

// But we should be able to move it
Foo(Foo&& that)

Foo& operator= (Foo&&)

I am not clear how to implement the move constructor and move
assignment. ? What role does std::move play if any in this case?


Andrew said:
Suppose I have a C interface as follows:

// create a new FOO
FOO* foo_open(int params);

// use FOO one or more times
void foo_bar(FOO*);

// destroy FOO

and I want to wrap that in a C++11 class.

class Foo
Foo(int params) : p(foo_open(params)) {}

void bar() { foo_bar(p); }

~Foo() { if (p) { foo_close(p); } }

FOO* p;

// Clearly Foo cannot be copied otherwise you will call foo_close
twice for the same handle
Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
Foo& operator= (const Foo&) = delete;

// But we should be able to move it
Foo(Foo&& that)

Foo(Foo&& that):p(that.p){that.p=0;}
Foo& operator= (Foo&& that)



foo_close(p); p=that.p; that.p=0;
(it could be different if foo_close can throw)

I am not clear how to implement the move constructor and move
assignment. ?

Just try to consider what the destructor can do after you moved from
an object. Move assignment is often a synonym for swap (avoids
thinking too long) unless you want to be sure to destruct immediatly.
What role does std::move play if any in this case?

Foo a(42);
Foo b=std::move(a);

You may want to take a look at unique_ptr.


Foo(Foo&& that)
p = that.p;
that.p = NULL;

Foo& operator= (Foo&&) Foo& operator= (Foo&& that)
if (this != &that) {
p = that.p;
that.p = NULL;
return *this
What role does std::move play if any in this case?

You can re-write the move constructor using the move assignment
operator and std::move as:

Foo(Foo&& that)
*this = std::move(that);

std::move just lets you get an rvalue reference for an lvalue, to cause
the correct overload to be used.

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