WScript syntax for creating a new document based on a Word template




(Posted this in scripting.wsh before I realised that it might be better
placed here - sorry if you;ve got two copies)

I want my (IE) Intranet users to be able to create a new Word document
based on a specified template.

The following works, but I would like to be able to pass the filename
as a parameter, as there are often multiple documents on the same page:

---------------Script Code Starts-------------
<script lang="Javascript1.2">

function NewDoc()
var oShell
oShell = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Shell");
oShell.Run('cmd /K "C:\\"', 0, false);
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
return false;
---------------Script Code Ends-------------

---------------Link Code Starts-------------
<a href=":" onclick="return NewDoc()">Create a new document based on
---------------Link Code Ends--------------

I know to specify the document template name as follows:

---------------Link Code Starts-------------
<a href=":" onclick="return NewDoc('C:\\')">Create a new
document based on C:\</a>
---------------Link Code Ends--------------

And change the "Function NewDoc()" in the script code to line to
"Function NewDoc(TemplateName)". The problem is that I don't know what
syntax to use to parametise the
"oShell.Run('cmd /K "C:\\"', 0, false);"

Thank you very much - and, while I'm at it, if you are able to point me
to a library of WSH sample files and/or a resource for learning how to
use WSH within an Intranet context, I'd be very grateful.


Gary Bartlett


GaryB said:

(Posted this in scripting.wsh before I realised that it might be better
placed here - sorry if you;ve got two copies)

I want my (IE) Intranet users to be able to create a new Word document
based on a specified template.

Note 1: you have to double backslashes in the path!

Note 2: if you have any further questions about the JavaScript part you
are welcome. But the usage of WScript.Shell goes beyond the scope of
this group IMHO. You should insist on the answer in the related

<script type="text/javascript">
var oShell = null;

function init(path) {
oShell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
oShell.Run('winword.exe /t '+path, 1, false);

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" onload="init('c:\\Template.doc')">


Thank you very much - and, while I'm at it, if you are able to point me
to a library of WSH sample files and/or a resource for learning how to
use WSH within an Intranet context, I'd be very grateful.

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