XML DOM - getting data inbetween tags


Mike Miller

I am using apache's xerces (most recent) and Niko HTML to parse html
documents in to DOM objects to alter element's attribute values. After
getting html documents parsed successfully I can extract the node objects
and change the desired attributes.. My problem is this, how do I return the
document as a String after I have altered the node elements' attributes? My
other question is how can I access the data that would be in between tags
(i.e. <mytag>Text content here</mytag>)?

I have done some but limited research without much success, but I have
looked at the API's very closely and either there is something I don't
understand (which isn't inconceivable) or its not there...

If anyone could help me out on this, that would be great!

Thank you,

Mike Miller

Murat G.

AFAIK, to get the String representation of the document, you need to
write (or use) a general purpose DOM tree traversing code... I am not
aware of any interface method...

Re. data between tags: the text content within a DOM element is just a
type of node (TEXT_NODE) belonging to the child node list of that
element... You can use getChildNodes method to get a list of all child
nodes of an element and then weed out what you need.

Hope this helps,
Murat G.

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