xmlrpclib and decoding entity references


Chris Curvey

I'm writing an XMLRPC server, which is receiving a request (from a
non-Python client) that looks like this (formatted for legibility):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<string>Le Martyre de Saint André &lt;BR&gt; avec inscription
&apos;Le Dominiquain.&apos; et &apos;Le tableau fait par le dominicain,
d&apos;après son dessein à... est à Rome, à
l&apos;église Saint André della Valle&apos; sur le
cadre&lt;BR&gt; craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun
rehaussé de blanc sur papier brun&lt;BR&gt; 190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x
9 in.)</string>

But when my "echo" method is invoked, the value of the string is:

Le Martyre de Saint Andr; <BR> avec inscription 'Le Dominiquain.' et
'Le tableau fait par le dominicain, d'apr:s son dessein 2... est 2
Rome, 2 l';glise Saint Andr; della Valle' sur le cadre<BR> craie noire,
plume et encre brune, lavis brun rehauss; de blanc sur papier brun<BR>
190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x 9 in.)

Can anyone give me a lead on how to convert the entity references into
something that will make it through to my method call?

Kent Johnson

Chris said:
I'm writing an XMLRPC server, which is receiving a request (from a
non-Python client) that looks like this (formatted for legibility):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<string>Le Martyre de Saint André &lt;BR&gt; avec inscription
&apos;Le Dominiquain.&apos; et &apos;Le tableau fait par le dominicain,
d&apos;après son dessein à... est à Rome, à
l&apos;église Saint André della Valle&apos; sur le
cadre&lt;BR&gt; craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun
rehaussé de blanc sur papier brun&lt;BR&gt; 190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x
9 in.)</string>

But when my "echo" method is invoked, the value of the string is:

Le Martyre de Saint Andr; <BR> avec inscription 'Le Dominiquain.' et
'Le tableau fait par le dominicain, d'apr:s son dessein 2... est 2
Rome, 2 l';glise Saint Andr; della Valle' sur le cadre<BR> craie noire,
plume et encre brune, lavis brun rehauss; de blanc sur papier brun<BR>
190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x 9 in.)

Can anyone give me a lead on how to convert the entity references into
something that will make it through to my method call?

Are you rolling your own XML parser? (Why?) An off-the-shelf parser should take care of this for
you. Do you know about xmlrpclib and SimpleXMLRPCServer?


Chris Curvey

yep, I'm using SimpleRPCServer, but something is getting messed up
between the receipt of the XML stream and the delivery to my function.
The "normal" entity references (like &lt; and &amp;) are handled OK,
but the character references are not working. For instance,

"André" is received by the server, but it's delivered to the
function as "Andr;"

I've figured out how to parse through the string to find all the
character references and convert them back, but that seems to be
causing a ProtocolError.

Hopefully someone can lend me a clue; I really don't want to have to
switch over to SOAP and end up in WSDL hell.

Chris Curvey

Here is the solution. Incidentally, the client is Cold Fusion.

import re
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import SimpleXMLRPCServer


def __dereference(self, request_text):
entityRe = re.compile("((?P<er>&#x)(?P<code>..)(?P<semi>;))")
for m in re.finditer(entityRe, request_text):
hexref = int(m.group(3),16)
charref = chr(hexref)
request_text = request_text.replace(m.group(1), charref)

return request_text

def handle_xmlrpc(self, request_text):
logger = logging.getLogger()
request_text = self.__dereference(request_text)
request_text = request_text.decode("latin-1").encode('utf-8')
except Exception, e:
logger.error("had a problem dereferencing")

class Foo:
def settings(self):
return os.environ
def echo(self, something):
logger = logging.getLogger()
return something
def greeting(self, name):
return "hello, " + name

# these are used to run as a CGI
handler = LoggingXMLRPCRequestHandler()

Bengt Richter

I'm writing an XMLRPC server, which is receiving a request (from a
non-Python client) that looks like this (formatted for legibility):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<string>Le Martyre de Saint André &lt;BR&gt; avec inscription
&apos;Le Dominiquain.&apos; et &apos;Le tableau fait par le dominicain,
d&apos;après son dessein à... est à Rome, à
l&apos;église Saint André della Valle&apos; sur le
cadre&lt;BR&gt; craie noire, plume et encre brune, lavis brun
rehaussé de blanc sur papier brun&lt;BR&gt; 190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x
9 in.)</string>

But when my "echo" method is invoked, the value of the string is:

Le Martyre de Saint Andr; <BR> avec inscription 'Le Dominiquain.' et
'Le tableau fait par le dominicain, d'apr:s son dessein 2... est 2
Rome, 2 l';glise Saint Andr; della Valle' sur le cadre<BR> craie noire,
plume et encre brune, lavis brun rehauss; de blanc sur papier brun<BR>
190 x 228 mm. (7 1/2 x 9 in.)

Can anyone give me a lead on how to convert the entity references into
something that will make it through to my method call?
I haven't used XMLRPC but superficially this looks like a quoting and/or encoding
problem. IOW, your "request" is XML, and the <string>...</string> part is also XML
which is part of the whole, not encapsulated in e.g. <![CDATA[...stuff...]]>
(which would tell an XML parser to suspend markup interpretation of ...stuff...).

So IWT you would at least need the <string>...</string> content to be converted to
unicode to preserve all the represented characters. It wouldn't surprise me if the
whole request is routinely converted to unicode, and the "value" you are showing
above is a result of converting from unicode to an encoding that can't represent
everything, and maybe just drops conversion errors. What do you
get if you print repr(value)? (assuming value is passed to you echo method)

If it is a unicode string, you will just have to choose an appropriate value.encode('appropriate')
from available codecs. If it looks like e.g., a utf-8 encoding of unicode, you could try

I'm just guessing here. But something is interpreting the basic XML, since
&lt;BR&gt; is being converted to <BR>. Seems not unlikely that the rest are
also being converted, and to unicode. You just wouldn't notice a glitch when
unicode <BR> is converted to any usual western text encoding.

OTOH, if the intent (which I doubt) of the non-python client were to pass through
a block of pre-formatted XML as such (possibly for direct pasting into e.g. web page XHTML?)
then a way to avoid escaping every & and < would be to use CDATA to encapsulate it. That
would have to be fixed on that end.

Bengt Richter

Bengt Richter

Here is the solution. Incidentally, the client is Cold Fusion.
I suspect your solution may be not be general, though it would seem to
satisfy your use case. It seems to be true for python's latin-1 that
all the first 256 character codes are acceptable and match unicode 1:1,
even though the windows character map for lucida sans unicode font
with latin-1 codes shows undefined-char boxes for codes 0x7f-0x9f.

Not sure what to make of that. E.g. should unichr(0x7f).encode('latin-1')
really be legal, or is it just expedient to have latin-1 serves as a kind of
compressed utf_16_le? E.g., there's 256 Trues in these:
>>> sum(unichr(i).encode('utf_16_le')[0] == chr(i) for i in xrange(256)) 256
>>> sum(unichr(i).encode('utf_16_le')[1] == '\x00' for i in xrange(256))

Maybe we could have a 'u_as_str' or 'utf_16_le_lsbyte' codec for that, so the above would be spelled 256

Utf-8 only goes half way: 128

What do you think, Martin? ;-)
Maybe 'ubyte' or 'u256' would be a user-friendlier codec name? Or 'ustr'?
import re
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import SimpleXMLRPCServer


def __dereference(self, request_text):
entityRe = re.compile("((?P<er>&#x)(?P<code>..)(?P<semi>;))")
What about entity ☺ ? Or the same in decimal: ☺
for m in re.finditer(entityRe, request_text):
hexref = int(m.group(3),16)
charref = chr(hexref)
unichr(hexref) would handle >= 256, if you used unicode.
request_text = request_text.replace(m.group(1), charref)

return request_text

def handle_xmlrpc(self, request_text):
logger = logging.getLogger()
^^^^^^^^^^^^ I would suggest repr(request_text) for debugging, unless you
know that your logger is going to do that for you. Otherwise a '%s' format may hide things that you'd like to know.
request_text = self.__dereference(request_text)
request_text = request_text.decode("latin-1").encode('utf-8')
AFAIK, XML can be encoded with many encodings other than latin-1, so you are essentially
saying here that you know it's latin-1 somehow. Theoretically, your XML could
start with something like <?xml encoding='UTF-8'?> and .decode("latin-1") is only going to
"work" when the source is plain ascii. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's happening
up to the point where you __dereference, but str.replace doesn't care that you are potentially
making a utf-8 encoding invalid by just replacing 8-bit characters with what is legal latin-1.
after that, you are decoding your utf-8_clobbered_with_latin-1 as latin-1 anyway, so it "works".
At least I think this is a consistent theory. See if you can get the client to send something
with characters >128 that aren't represented as &#x..; to see if it's actually sending utf-8.

except Exception, e:
again, suggest repr(request_text)
logger.error("had a problem dereferencing")

class Foo:
def settings(self):
return os.environ
def echo(self, something):
logger = logging.getLogger()
repr it, unless you know ;-)
return something
def greeting(self, name):
return "hello, " + name

# these are used to run as a CGI
handler = LoggingXMLRPCRequestHandler()

Bengt Richter

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