XSLT question


Mike King

Can anyone help me. I need to process groups of elements and their children
nodes very high on the template stack. Is it possible?

:::Source XML document:::
<root xmlns="urn:tempuri.org">
<!-- many children nodes here -->
<!-- many children nodes here -->
<!-- many children nodes here -->
<!-- many children nodes here -->

:::Resulting Tranformed XML document:::
<root xmlns="uri:someother.org">
<!-- and some children nodes -->
<!-- and some children nodes -->

Bjoern Hoehrmann

* Mike King wrote in comp.text.xml:
Can anyone help me. I need to process groups of elements and their children
nodes very high on the template stack. Is it possible?

Yes, searching for Grouping and XSLT using Google should help. I can't
work out from your example what the pattern for grouping should be, so
I can't provide example code...

Mike King

Yes, searching for Grouping and XSLT using Google should help. I can't
work out from your example what the pattern for grouping should be, so
I can't provide example code...

I have searched an haven't found the solution yet. Maybe it would help if I
provide more information. I'm trying to produce a PDF document. I have
written an application that will take a XML document as an input and produce
a PDF document based on that document. The problem I'm having is the XML
structure that I have chosen requires that each sheet be represented as an
<sheet> element. So here's a sample document that represents that PDF

<cell>some text</cell>

The problem is I want to take ten or some other number of test-results
elements and group them together on one sheet and then another ten or so on
the next sheet and so on. Here's an example of a XML document where I'm
trying to group the Test Results on a sheet.

::: Source document:::
<test-results title="some title" date-time="2004-01-01 01:01:00">
<start-up-time passed="true">
<spec min="1" max="4" />
<!-- many other tests -->
<start-up-time passed="true">
<spec min="1" max="4" />
<!-- many other tests -->
<!-- many other test results -->

:::Resultant document:::
<cell>Start Up Time</cell>

David Carlisle

The problem is I want to take ten or some other number of test-results
elements and group them together on one sheet and then another ten or so on
the next sheet and so on.

<xsl:variable name="n" select="10"/>

<xsl:for-each select="test-results[position() mod $n = 1]">
.... whatever ...
select=".|following-sibling::test-results[position() &lt; $n]"/>
.... whatever ...



Mike King

Thank you very much!! You enabled me to meet my deadline - thank you.

I was trying something similar but I couldn't get it to work.

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