yarv and dbi



Anyone out there tried dbi with yarv

dbi 0.0.23 seems to work ok ruby 1.9, however when the test.rb script
is modified as follows, by adding the required line,

$prog =<<'__EOP__'
require 'dbi'


this gives,

$../bin/ruby test-dbi.rb
YARVCore 0.1.0 rev: 120 (2005-01-09)
[direct threaded code] [optimize basic operation] [optimize regexp
match] [stack caching] [inline method cache]
== disasm: <ISeq:[email protected]>======================================
local scope table (size: 1, argc: 0)

0000 putself_SC_xx_ax (
0001 putstring_SC_ax_ab"dbi"
0003 send_opopt__WC___WC__Qfalse_0__WC__SC_ab_ax:require, 1, <ic>
0007 end_SC_ax_ax 2
in `initialize':
/home/jeffm/yarv//lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/dbi/dbi.rb:1180: BUG: unknown
node: NODE_BLOCK_PASS (SyntaxError)
from in `initialize'
from in `initialize'
from in `initialize'
from in `require'
from /home/jeffm/yarv//lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9/dbi.rb:1
from in `require'
from test-dbi.rb:11

any ideas?


Charles Mills

jm said:
Anyone out there tried dbi with yarv

dbi 0.0.23 seems to work ok ruby 1.9, however when the test.rb script
is modified as follows, by adding the required line,

$prog =<<'__EOP__'
require 'dbi'
I don't think YARV supports Kernel.require yet.



Thanks. I've now verified that it doesn't work with require 'abbrev' or
require 'ipaddr', but each time it gives a slightly different error.



[ yarv and dbi ]
at Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:12:08 +0900

Anyone out there tried dbi with yarv

dbi 0.0.23 seems to work ok ruby 1.9, however when the test.rb script
is modified as follows, by adding the required line, ...
any ideas?

YARV supports "require", but no complete ruby specs.

(e.g. method(&Proc.new{ ... }) doesn't work on yarv)

I'll implement as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Charles Mills

SASADA said:
[ yarv and dbi ]
at Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:12:08 +0900

Anyone out there tried dbi with yarv

dbi 0.0.23 seems to work ok ruby 1.9, however when the test.rb script
is modified as follows, by adding the required line, ..
any ideas?

YARV supports "require", but no complete ruby specs.

(e.g. method(&Proc.new{ ... }) doesn't work on yarv)

I'll implement as soon as possible.

Sounds like YARV is progressing quickly. Very impressive work.


I'll be a willing test subject.
Sounds like YARV is progressing quickly. Very impressive work.

Agreed. By the looks of it it will put an end to those ruby are slow
comments (mine anyway).


Navindra Umanee

jm said:
Agreed. By the looks of it it will put an end to those ruby are slow
comments (mine anyway).

In what context did you find Ruby to be slow? A website of yours? Be
interested to hear your experiences.



Processing flow data from a router. The script caches user information
from a database then processes a 25-30MB flow file captured from a
router using flow-tools. This takes about 5 minutes on a 2.4GHz pentium
4 unloaded by any other process running at 98% utilisation
continuously. To put this into context each flow file is only 15
minutes worth of data and the current perl version does it in a bit
over 2 minutes. This perl version is showing it's lack of design in a
variety of ways including the nightmare of trying to add features it
was never designed to support. So this was a good opportunity to
rewrite it in ruby to make it more maintainable, etc.

While 5 minutes in within the time constraint that is on an unloaded
machine and the machine it's destined for has other processes sharing
the CPU.


Austin Ziegler

Processing flow data from a router. The script caches user information
from a database then processes a 25-30MB flow file captured from a
router using flow-tools. This takes about 5 minutes on a 2.4GHz pentium
4 unloaded by any other process running at 98% utilisation
continuously. To put this into context each flow file is only 15
minutes worth of data and the current perl version does it in a bit
over 2 minutes. This perl version is showing it's lack of design in a
variety of ways including the nightmare of trying to add features it
was never designed to support. So this was a good opportunity to
rewrite it in ruby to make it more maintainable, etc.

While 5 minutes in within the time constraint that is on an unloaded
machine and the machine it's destined for has other processes sharing
the CPU.

Could your script be doing things that could be improved in performance?


Michael Neumann

Austin said:
Could your script be doing things that could be improved in performance?

Well, I think Ruby/DBI is not the fastest. It parses (and splits) each
SQL statement, then joins it back into a string, even if you don't use
'?' parameter markers. This should be delayed and omitted if no
parameters were given. Not sure whether this is the reason for the slowness.



Austin Ziegler

Well, I think Ruby/DBI is not the fastest. It parses (and splits) each
SQL statement, then joins it back into a string, even if you don't use
'?' parameter markers. This should be delayed and omitted if no
parameters were given. Not sure whether this is the reason for the slowness.



Charles Mills

Michael Neumann wrote:
Well, I think Ruby/DBI is not the fastest. It parses (and splits) each
SQL statement, then joins it back into a string, even if you don't use
'?' parameter markers. This should be delayed and omitted if no
parameters were given. Not sure whether this is the reason for the slowness.

This may be a dumb question, but why does ruby/dbi do that? For
databases that don't support precompiled statements and binding


Michael Neumann

Charles said:
Michael Neumann wrote:


This may be a dumb question, but why does ruby/dbi do that? For
databases that don't support precompiled statements and binding

Yeah, good question. It tries to abstract over the database. Well,
sometimes it's nicer to write:

dbh.execute("INSERT INTO tab values (?, ?, ?)", a, b, c)

instead of:

dbh.execute("INSERT INTO tab values (#{ quote(a) }, #{ quote(b) }, #{
quote(c) })")



Ryan Davis

Processing flow data from a router. The script caches user information
from a database then processes a 25-30MB flow file captured from a
router using flow-tools. This takes about 5 minutes on a 2.4GHz
pentium 4 unloaded by any other process running at 98% utilisation
continuously. To put this into context each flow file is only 15
minutes worth of data and the current perl version does it in a bit
over 2 minutes. This perl version is showing it's lack of design in a
variety of ways including the nightmare of trying to add features it
was never designed to support. So this was a good opportunity to
rewrite it in ruby to make it more maintainable, etc.

While 5 minutes in within the time constraint that is on an unloaded
machine and the machine it's destined for has other processes sharing
the CPU.

I have an open bug for the postgres dbi handler. It causes about a 7x
slowdown in performance for even basic queries. I now use the raw
postgres library to do all my work and the speed is actually fairly

Michael Walter

As Charles pointed out, the string-fumbling should merely be a fallback path.



The script only runs dbi to extract data user details from an existing
database for caching the queries are of the form "select * from table".
And this stage only takes about 5 seconds to run of 5-7 minutes. By far
the majority of the time is spent on the actual processing.

The file reads as shown below. I've changed some of the variable that
contained usernames, passwords, database, and table names. The only
libraries that are from out side are dbi and socket. The main loop down
the bottom loops over each filename supplied on the command line -
looping over each flow record and tying that to a user bases on certain
rules, then it prints it out in a radius detail file format.

Feel free to tear it apart. I intend making more of this publicly
available in some form when it's finished.


$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"lib")

OUTFILE = './details'

require 'Vflow'
require 'socket'
require 'dbi'
require 'velinfo'
require 'zones'
require 'radacct'
require 'traffic_record'
require 'iphash'

# both velinfo and zones use the same database.
dbh = if `hostname`.chomp! == 'testmachine'

# build database of user information
puts "vinfo"
$vinfo = Velinfo.new(dbh)

# build database of zone information
puts "zones"
$zones = Zones.new(dbh)

# build database of radonline
puts "radacct"
$ra = Radacct.new(dbh)
$ra.online_table = 'db2.online_table' unless `hostname`.chomp! ==

# make a trie to hold records
$traf_record = Hash.new

def print_usage()
File.open(OUTFILE,File::CREAT|File::APPEND|File::RDWR,0644) do |fp|
$traf_record.each_value do |r|
fp.puts r

def find_user_info(only_when_on,user_addr)
# 1. entry in radonline -> record_usage
# 2. entry in velradiatorauth
# a. address is primary address
# i. if not only when online record_usage
# b. address is network address
# i. if not only when online record_usage
# ii. use primary address to find radonline entry
# iii. if found record_usage

rauser = $ra.find_by_ip(user_addr)
#puts "#{__LINE__} #{rauser and rauser.framed_ip_address.class}"
return rauser unless rauser.nil?

if (viuser = $vinfo.find_by_ip(user_addr))
#puts "#{__LINE__} #{viuser.framed_ip_address.class}"
return viuser unless only_when_on

if viuser.replyattr.has_key?:)Framed_IP_Address) and !only_when_on
if viuser.replyattr[:Framed_IP_Address] == ip
return viuser
return nil

if viuser.replyattr.has_key?:)Subnet)
subnet = viuser.replyattr[:Subnet]
subnet_gateway = viuser.replyattr[:Subnet_Gateway]
if subnet.include?(user_addr)
return viuser unless only_when_on
return viuser if $ra.find_by_ip(subnet_gateway)
return nil

def record_usage(vrec)
srcaddr = IPSocket.getaddress(vrec.srcaddr)
dstaddr = IPSocket.getaddress(vrec.dstaddr)
zdstinfo = $zones.find_info_by_ip(dstaddr)
zsrcinfo = $zones.find_info_by_ip(srcaddr)
# forward traffic
if zsrcinfo and zsrcinfo.recordable
#puts "#{__LINE__}"
if (userinfo = find_user_info(zsrcinfo.only_when_on,srcaddr))
#puts "#{__LINE__} #{userinfo.framed_ip_address.class}"
zbilling = $zones.find_billing_forward(vrec)
ipkey = userinfo.framed_ip_address or userinfo.replyattr[:Subnet]
traf_rec = $traf_record[ipkey.hton]
traf_rec = TrafficRecord.new(userinfo,ipkey) if traf_rec.nil?
traf_rec.timestamp = Time.at(vrec.end_time)

traf_rec.add_to_acct(vrec.doctets,0) if zbilling.billable
$traf_record[ipkey.hton] = traf_rec
# reverse traffic
if zdstinfo and zdstinfo.recordable
#puts "#{__LINE__}"
if (userinfo = find_user_info(zdstinfo.only_when_on,dstaddr))
#puts "#{__LINE__} #{userinfo.framed_ip_address.class}"
zbilling = $zones.find_billing_reverse(vrec)
ipkey = userinfo.framed_ip_address or userinfo.replyattr[:Subnet]
traf_rec = $traf_record[ipkey.hton]
traf_rec = TrafficRecord.new(userinfo,ipkey) if traf_rec.nil?
traf_rec.timestamp = Time.at(vrec.end_time)

traf_rec.add_to_acct(0,vrec.doctets) if zbilling.billable
$traf_record[ipkey.hton] = traf_rec

# start reading netflow file
puts "vflow"
vf = Vflow.new

ARGV.each do |vfile|
count = 0
vf.each do |vfent|
#break if count > 50
#puts "#{vfent.srcaddr} -> #{vfent.dstaddr}"
puts "file #{vfile} contained #{count} records"


Jim Weirich

Charles Mills said:
Michael Neumann wrote:

This may be a dumb question, but why does ruby/dbi do that? For
databases that don't support precompiled statements and binding

Its been a _long_ time since I have looked at DBI/DBD code, but if I
recall correctly, although the bind operation is provided by the DBI
library, the actually binding of values is performed in the database
specific DBD portion of the library.

If the database handles prepared statements and binding of "?" parameters,
then the DBD does not need to parse the SQL statements.

However, if the database does not offer that service, then the DBD can use
bind (in the BasicBind module) to emulate it.

Like I mentioned, its been a long time. Things may have changed since I
last looked at it (or my memory is faulty).

Michael Neumann

Jim said:
Charles Mills said:

Its been a _long_ time since I have looked at DBI/DBD code, but if I
recall correctly, although the bind operation is provided by the DBI
library, the actually binding of values is performed in the database
specific DBD portion of the library.

If the database handles prepared statements and binding of "?" parameters,
then the DBD does not need to parse the SQL statements.

However, if the database does not offer that service, then the DBD can use
bind (in the BasicBind module) to emulate it.

Like I mentioned, its been a long time. Things may have changed since I
last looked at it (or my memory is faulty).

No, you're correct. It's still working in the way you decribe.



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